Saturday, January 12, 2019

Favorite Tunes #253: The Hypest Training Menu Music

I'm still playing some games from 2018 while glancing at others that I missed. That whole backlog struggle is real. Case in point, I haven't even played my copy of Spider-Man yet. A certain crossover title has taken up a lot of my time lately. That game hasn't stopped me from picking songs for Favorite Tunes. Too much.

Crystal Caves - Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom (PS4, NS, XBO)
If you're having trouble finding Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom in stores, hop online and grab a copy off Amazon. For some reason, most retail chains are carrying extremely limited copies of this game. That is a real shame because this is one of my favorite titles of 2018. This is old school action plaftorming with RPG elements mixed with a modern flair and some really talented game music writers.

Candy's Love Song - Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
These days, our games auto save after every little thing. You kids today. You just don't know the struggle of... the old days. In a game like Donkey Kong Country that started off simple enough, but ramped up in difficulty as you continued onward, seeing Candy was like stumbling across an oasis after trudging for hours in a desert. Candy, DK's girlfriend would save your progress. Unfortunately, you always had to do a few levels in each world before Candy's save point could be accessible. This kinda old school design really stung in late game.

Like a Hurricane - Two Crude (ARC)
Known as Two Crude Dudes on the Genesis only and only home port, this game was released digitally under the Johnny Turbo's Arcade line for the Switch. Two Crude isn't setting the world on fire, but I don't know many beat 'em ups that let you pick up so much heavy stuff like, say, a car, and chuck onto some sap.

Training Menu (Wii Fit U) [New Remix] - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (NS)
Wallpaper by Cat with Monocle 
Is that a track from Smash Ultimate? Why, yes, yes it is. Whoever would have guessed. Those of you that may be tiring of the Smash music, my apologies, but I love, love, love, this game's soundtrack. I became acquainted with this track in World of Light when I unlocked Wii Balance Board's dojo. It got me to look up the original track this is based off of, which it turns out is quite relaxing. I think it so awesome that games like Wii Fit U, a game most probably wouldn't think too highly of, got such a lively remix, which is another reason I love the Smash games so much.

Theme of Sukapon - Joy Mech Fight (FC)
If you've been going through World of Light in Ultimate, you've probably come across a few fights where "hostile assist trophies will appear." Depending on the battle, one of those hostile assists can be Sukapon, a pink, limbless robot, who actually hits pretty hard. The game he hails from, Joy Mech fight will be added to the NES games, oh, I'm sorry, the Famicom games via Nintendo Switch Online in Japan this month. One of the many Japanese FC games, Nintendo just won't give those of us outside of Japan.

Stage 3 - Batman The Video Game (NES)
Batman on the NES was one of those rare licensed games that, like DuckTales, was actually good. It was hard, sure, but it was still a quality title with some nice action, platforming and visuals befitting of the dark knight. The soundtrack was also freaking awesome. Everyone remembers Stage 1, but the whole dang score is amazing, some of the best audio on the NES.

Favorite Tunes Database

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