Saturday, May 11, 2019

Favorite Tunes #266: (Mostly) Bad Games, Good Music

Here's a FT I've been wanting to do for a while now. What we have here are a selection of games that are not great. The music, however is far above the quality of everything else. There are a few good titles in this list, but the majority are stinkers.

Four Corners Zoo - Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool (SNES)
I rented this game back when Blockbuster Video was a thing. During our three day rental period, the game crashed more than once. It was pretty rare for a game we played to crash back then but I suppose that could be chalked up to another reason that the game sucks. Thankfully, the same isn't true for the beats.

Viking Ship - Quackshot (GEN)
One of the few games on here that isn't poo poo. Well, I'm assuming it isn't since I've never played it, but it has been praised to high heaven whenever it comes up. I'll be sure to grab it if I see it. The music is some early Genesis goodness.

Madrid - Mario is Missing! (PC)
In the early 90s Nintendo would license their properties to other publishers. With results such as the Super Mario Bros. movie, the Zelda CD-i games and Mario is Missing, one doesn't have to think too hard as to why the Big N has a very watchful eye when others take hold of their IPs. Mario is Missing is one of those games that Nintendo likes to pretend doesn't exist but for a sub par educational game, it had some really good tunes with the SNES and PC versions. Madrid is a PC elusive track and is a remix of the Star Road theme from Super Mario World, making it a remix of a remix.

Briefing - Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge (SNES)
Man, that is one mouthful of a title. Spidey and our favorite mutants are being treated much better in video games these days than they were in the early 1990s. Tim and Geoff Follin were often the fellows tasked with writing excellent music for crappy licensed games and Arcade's Revenge is no exception. The soundtrack for the SNES and Genesis versions are both worth a listen but if I had to choose one over the other, I'm going with the SNES version.

BGM [Level 1] - Silver Surfer (NES)
Ooof! From one bad licensed Marvel game to another. Silver Surfer is a game I imagine most of you are at least somewhat familiar with thanks to the Angry Video Game Nerd. As a great website once said "When the game sucks, the music is all you got." That definitely holds true to Silver Surfer. This one often gets overlooked when discussing great NES soundtracks.

Bad - Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (ARC)
The Genesis version of Moonwalker has some outstanding beats but the arcade version is certainly no slouch. Music from both versions of the games understandably don't have vocals but there are some tracks that have digitized voice samples from The King of Pop.

Favorite Tunes Database

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