Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Impressions of a Hero

Did you have fun trying to get Hero from the eShop only to fail time and again because the servers were getting destroyed? Well, chump, I'd like to say I feel your pain but I don't, because I was working when Hero went live. I've also got the Fighter Pass so I just download the fighters via update as they become available. Sucks to be you. In all seriousness,

My excitement for Hero grew as I saw Daddy Sakurai demonstrating what the character could do. His forward Smash, while slow, is insanely powerful and being a player that loves to spam Smash attacks, I've already gotten so much fun out of sending fools into the blast zone with it.

Can we talk about Hero's Down B? We're gonna talk about Hero's Down B. This brings up a random menu of four out of 32 spells. My favorites are Bounce, the reflector that stays activated for a good while and is the only character that can move with the ability. Snooze, which can put opponents to sleep in mid-air, which is going to be all kinds of shenanigans for gimping someone's recovery. Kamikaze is also gonna grind some people's gears, especially in free-for-alls. 2 or more opponents in the lead and they happen to be in the red? Blow blow 'em up and take the lead! Zoom is a spell that probably shouldn't be legal for anything since it lets you recovery from anywhere on the stage. I can already see someone at a tournament flipping a table when Hero returns to the stage with 138% from a Zoom spell to win the game.

Hero's crazy RNG is going to really upset Ultimate's competitive scene. I can already hear people crying out for him to be nerfed. This is a character that can get random critical hits, has the possibility of Thwack killing you at 0% or getting a free Super Mushroom to land big damage. And he is crazy fun to use. I've only played several games with him and he's one of my favorite new additions to Ultimate. Could Hero be banned? Possibly. Meta Knight was banned from Brawl for how crazy busted he was. As broken as Bayonetta was from Smash 4, I'm surprised she didn't get banned as it would have been the easy solution but I also believe player should learn match ups before demanding nerfs. Whether Hero gets to stay or go in competitive Smash, time or salty tears will decide.

The Hero is a mighty fine addition to Ultimate's beefy roster and I'm looking forward to getting better with him. Welp, I'm off to learn more of those insane spells. Happy Smashing.

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