Saturday, October 19, 2019

Favorite Tunes #270: Venture Forth

What do we have for this week's Favorite Tunes after a two month hiatus? A darn good selection of music and even some Nintendo tunes. Until Nintendo nukes all of their music off YouTube, it will continue to be featured here.

A Lonely Youth (Dragon Quest II) - Dragon Quest I-II (SFC)
A century of peace is shattered when Hargon shows up and ruins everyone's day. Fortunately, the hero from the first Dragon Quest wed Princess Gwaelin and bore descendants so the people of the world in Dragon Quest II have heroes that can take him on. If you're playing the mobile or Switch version of DQII (like I am) this theme would sound a little bit different than the Super Famicom version. Nevertheless, this is still an amazing track and easily one of my top DQ jams.

Drive - River City Girls (PC, NS, PS4, XBO)
Kunio and Rikki were the stars of River City Ransom but they've been kidnapped and it is up to their girlfriends, Kyoko and Misako to save them in River City Girls, an awesome sequel to the beloved NES classic. River City Ransom was known for it's banger of a soundtrack and River City Girls is no slouch in that department (or many others for that matter).

Mabe Village - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (NS)
You come back to Mabe Village pretty often in Link's Awakening, a place home to some of the funniest, quirky characters in the game.The original GB tune was one of my favorites from the game and this holds true for this splendid remake.

Title Screen - Tiny Barbarian DX (PC, NS)
My nephew started playing Tiny Barbarian DX and he likes the game quite a bit, even though it is causing him some frustration. Watching him play and hearing Jeff Ball's amazing chiptune soundtrack reminded me of how good this score is and that it was long overdue for some love here. If that title music doesn't put you in the mood to elbow drop fools, nothing will.

Glut - Descent II (PC)
While I was introduced to Descent and Descent II on the PS, the series got its start on PC, both games have some rocking soundtracks and come with redbook audio, meaning you can pop the disc in any device that will play music and listen to those awesome jams straight off the game disc.

Just Do It Up - Command & Conquer (PC)
I was no serious C&C player but even I knew how baller that soundtrack was. Pick a song, any song. Nearly ever one of those beats are straight fire. I am so happy that we live in a world where you can listen to Just Do It Up while you work.

Favorite Tunes Database

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