Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Blizzard's Garbage Apology is Garbage

So BlizzCon happened this past weekend. With the PR crap storm that was the Blitzchung banning in early October, I think many of us were eagerly anticipating this event, even those of us that weren't going to attend.

J. Allen Brack, president of Blizzard took the stage and apologized for the poor, poor handling of the Blitzchung fiasco. And by "apology", I mean, the man did nothing of the sort.

That was not an apology. What that was was another display of corporate BS that is spewed out on a regular basis. Blitzchung's name was not mentioned at all, nor was his banning or the banning of the two casters. I'm going to put "apology" in quotation marks but just know that there is not a big enough font/number to properly display just how utterly gutter trash Blizzard's "apology" was.

Cripes, Blizzard, how tight of a grip does China have on your balls? This company cannot tell us that China does not own their souls. "Every voice matters"? Get outta here with that. Sure, every voice matters, except the voices that could cause our great and powerful China overlords to get angry and those voices could end up making us lose money. I guess money truly is more valued over having a dang spine or some integrity because Blizzard clearly dumped those things in the trash a long time ago.

And what was up with all the applause during Brack's "apology"? The people in the audience were either paid actors, the biggest sheep I've ever seen, or it was some stock applause. I don't think I heard a single boo during that entire "apology."

Keep effin' up, Blizz. I'm sure EA appreciates you taking some of the heat off of them.

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