Saturday, January 4, 2020

Favorite Tunes #276: Catroidvania

The first Favorite Tunes of the year and I actually got 'em posted on a Saturday. We're starting the year off right.

Title - Gato Roboto (PC, NS)

Describe Gato Roboto in five words. Metroid with a cat, cute. From the level layout/design to the bulky shoulder power suit Kiki wears, Gato Roboto proudly displays wears the Metroid love on its gun arm. Some of the music can be more on the ambiance side but some tracks go pretty hard.

Gumos Hideout - Ori and the Blind Forest (PC, XBO, NS)
What can I say about Metroidvania games? Indies love them. Maybe a little too much, but I digress. Ori and the Blind Forest, like Cuphead, was exclusive to PC and XBO but Microsfot has been all buddy buddy with Nintendo, so the Definitive Edition of the game came over to the Switch. There's a plethora of calming, soothing music to listen to as you make your way through the forest and die a lot.

HQ - SaGa Frontier (PS)
You'd be forgiven for thinking SaGa Frontier was the first in the SaGa series to be released outside of Japan. In truth, the GB Final Fantasy Legend games are SaGa titles released under the FF name to give them a more broad appeal. For some 20 years now, Square Enix has been more confident to release the SaGa games under the original name. That said, some of the SaGa games can be really freaking difficult, strangely designed and are not for everyone. Kenji Ito's music on every SaGa game he's worked on is a high point for the series.

Big Blue (F-ZERO) [New Remix] - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (NS)
The latest entry in the Super Smash Bros. series was jam packed with so much content and characters on launch day. And yet, the game continues to get more content with free updates, and even more characters to be added throughout the 2020. My favorite of the new F-ZERO arrangements have been the glorious F-ZERO Medley and Sand Ocean tunes, but I gotta admit, this new Big Blue remix is fire.

The Hard Corps Blues - Contra: Hard Crops (GEN)
Even for the standards of the series, Hard Crops is ridiculously brutal. Stages are littered with mini bosses, endless waves of mooks and you only get a measly 5 continues to help you beat the game. That is, in the American and UK versions. The Japanese version gives you a life bar and unlimited continues. If you want to play Contra: Hard Crops, I recommend buying the Contra Anniversary Collection, which lets you play the Japanese and American versions of every Contra title on the arcade, NES, SNES, GB and GEN, with the exclusion of Contra Force. Even some UK versions are in there. Hard Corps has a lot of hype, high energy music so a much more laid back track like The Hard Crops Blues is unexpected but welcome.

2PM - Animal Crossing (GCN)
The excitement for Animal Crossing: New Horizons is real. Giddy with anticipation for the game, I thought I'd post a track from the first Animal Crossing game I played, the enhanced GCN version of the N64 title that never made it outside of Japan. Despite being a night owl, I would always play Animal Crossing during the day time so I heard all of the PM and sometimes sunlight AM jams. Realling looking forward to the new game's soundtrack in March.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate wallpaper by Cat with Monocle

Favorite Tunes Database

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