Saturday, January 11, 2020

Favorite Tunes #277: Just Friends

The subtitle may sound like a friend zone tune but I've never played the game but even without context, I don't think that is the case. Most of this week's selection comes from games of the yesteryear, but I did include some modern music.

Crystal Man Stage - Mega Man IV (GB)
Mega Man V on the GB is a really good game. It has brand new music, new bosses and was overall, a fine send off to the GB Mega Man titles. But I gotta be honest, I like Mega Man IV more than V. Yes, it remixes levels, has GB versions of the NES themes and recycles bosses but I still love it to death. Hey, if Sonic Mania can be the "best Sonic game ever" (GameSpot's words, not mine) I don't see why Mega Man IV can't be the best GB Mega Man game.

Emergency - Astral Chain (NS)
Cyberpunk, cops, stylish action by Platinum? Christmas came early for quite a lot of Switcher owners in 2019 when this baby dropped. I've only put 10 or so hours into this game but I really need to get back into it. I've heard this theme a lot, but it remains a favorite.

Just Friends [Secret Area] - Gimmick! (NES)
An visual and audio marvel released late in the NES life cycle, not many have played Gimmick! but those who have will be quick to point out that underneath the cute graphics lies a very difficult game. Maybe someday this will get a digital re-release but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Player Phase 1 (Friendly Fight) - Langrisser (GEN)
I've seen artwork and heard some of the music from the Langrisser games but never got to play them. That will all change in March when Langrisser I & II releases on the Switch. The games are getting the modern touch and updated music but I wouldn't mind if we had the option to listen to some of the older soundtracks.

Arctic Caverns - Battletoads (GEN)
I love Battletoad's soundtrack on the NES, but man, the Genesis just kills it with some tracks. Theme has so much more energy and I really love the way Ragnarok's Canyon sounds with the Genesis synth. Still not sure which version of Arctic Caverns I prefer between the two. They both sound sooooo good.

Staff Roll - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)
Ending this week's Favorite Tunes with a staff roll piece. Seems like a nice way to go out. I never did play my copy of Skyward Sword. Perhaps Nintendo could give the game an HD re-release and do some quality of life changes. Even without having played the game, this is one magnificent staff roll theme and I like to think that even those that had issues with Skyward Sword could agree that this track is out-friggin'-standing.

Favorite Tunes Database

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