Tuesday, March 17, 2020

20 Games I'm Excited About in 2020

2020 looks to be another awesome year for video games. Quite possibly one of the best, really. I'm so pumped about game releases this year that I've compiled a list of 20 games I'm anticipating. I worked on this off and on for a few months so some of the games listed are already out and even then, I haven't played many of them that are already available.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons (NS), Release 3-20-2020
Fans were understandably disappointed when Animal Crossing for the Switch was pushed back from 2019 to 2020. Sure, it sucks but delayed games do (usually) get released. After an excruciatingly long wait, New Horizons is almost here. The upcoming installment in the loved series takes place on what Tom Nook calls the Deserted Island Getaway Package. If you're wondering what happened to the usual town setting, fear not. The island will serve the same function as a town. You'll still own a house and furnish it to your liking and befriend a colorful cast of animals. New to the series is the ability to make furniture and tools using the Nookphone. This will be my 2020 game of the year for sure if it lets me craft a sturdy wooden bat to knock Tom Nook out, toss his furry keister into the ocean and watch the sharks eat him.

Cyberpunk 2077 (PS4, XBO, PC), Release 9-17-2020
I've never played the tabletop game Cyberpunk 2077 is based off of but this game still has my interest all the same. Announced back 2013, in development since 2015, Cyberpunk 2077 will at long last release in mid April of 2020, much to the excitement of the many gamers that have been salivating to get their hands on it. Or, it would have if the game wasn't pushed back to September. I can already hear the anguished cries of thousands across the planet. Ahem, when the game does come out, you'll explore Night City in this first person action RPG, experience a nonlinear story and customize your character out the whazoo. That sounds great and all, but they had me hooked with the word "cyberpunk." As a big fan of the first two Terminator films, Battle Angel Alita and Blade Runner, I love me some cyberpunk. With the futuristic setting of 2077, we should be in for plenty of neon lights and hopefully a hefty dose of synthwave music.

FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE (PS4), Release 4-10-2020
Though pushed back from the original March 3rd, release date (probably for the best as March has way too many good games coming out), FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE remains a highly anticipated title. The blow of the delay was softened when Square Enix released a demo on the PSN store and spoilers, it is glorious! Thanks to 20+ years of hardware improvements, FFVII now looks better than ever and even the combat, while no longer turned based, is freaking awesome. Even if you've played the original, you'll still be in for loads of surprises with FFVIIR. The script has been reworked (the PS original was shoddy in many places) and not every story scene will unfold exactly as you remember. As of right now, the only major down side to FFVIIR is that it will be released episodically.

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot (PS4, XBO, PC), 1-17-2020
The entirety of the Z portion of the Drgaon Ball storyline can be experienced and played through in this massive open world RPG. Sure, DBZ's story has been done to death but not quite like this. Besides, taking in the entirety of DBZ, even in Kai format is quite the binge so for those wanting to experience an abridged format of it in game form, this isn't a bad way to go.

DOOM Eternal (PS4, XBO, NS, PC) 3-20-2020 on PS4, XBO, PC/ NS TBA
If you needed more demon slaying action with Doom Guy, the sequel to the 2016 hit DOOM isn't far off. At least for those that intend to rip and tear on PS4, XBO and PC. Switch owners will have to wait longer for DOOM Eternal to hit the hybrid system. Considering the game that drops when DOOM Eternal hits, however, I doubt Switch owners are gonna be bored.

Samurai Shodown (NS), 2-25-2020
It already released on PS4 and XBO in 2019, but now Switch owners will get a taste of latest installment in the long running Samurai Shodown series. If you've never played a SamSho game, you might be thinking that this is Street Fighter with blades. And you'd be wrong. Both may be 2.5D brawlers but they could not be any more different. In SamShow, striking at just the right moment with a powerful attack can end a match, even if your opponent has a good chunk of life bar left. Visuals take a hit when you aren't playing docked but the game still runs smoothly regardless of the format you choose to play.

The Yakuza Remastered Collection (PS4), 2-11-2020
SEGA has made playing the earlier entries of the Yakuza games much easier thanks to HD remasters of Yakuza 1 and  2. Yakuza Remastered Collection contains Yakuza 3, 4 and 5 and the scripts have been revised for all three titles. Going the extra mile, this remastered collection also includes the cut content from the original western releases of each game. How about that? Looks like I don't even need to bother with my PS3 versions of Yakuza 3 and 4.

Persona 5: The Royal (PS4), Release 3-31-2020
I should probably play Persona 5 before even picking this one up as I feel I'll be missing out on some important characters and story beats from that game. Nonetheless, this game has been on my radar for some time now so I feel like forgetting about it just because I've yet to play the previous game ins't cool. The Royal sounds like it will build even further upon the world of Persona 5 with more characters and more locals. If the Royal is anything what I hear Persona 5 was like, this game will probably eat up 100 or more hours of your time easily.

Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition (NS), Release 2020
I bought the original on Wii but never got around to playing it. Considered buying the New 3DS version but never did. Now I'll be able to play what should be the ultimate version of Xenoblade Chronicles on the Switch. Not sure if this game will make me like Shulk but open world RPGs have been becoming a favorite of mine so I'm down to adventure with blondie and that big honking red sword he is carrying around.

Code Shifter (PS4, XBO, NS, PC) 1-30-2020
You're just about ready to release your big game but said game receives constant infestations of bugs and glitches. That is any game developer's nightmare. Fortunately the game designers working at Awesome Rainbow Corp have Stella on their team. Stella's avatar, Sera can transform into a ton of Arc System Works characters to clean up the bugs before launch day. If you'ever wanted to play a beat 'em up/platformer where you can swap from Sol Badguy to Kunio, Code Shifter might be up your alley. I'm not expecting this game to set the world on fire or anything but it looks cute and fun so I'm game.

Cyber Shadow (NS), Release Fall 2020
Developed by Mechanical Head and published by Yacht Clube games, Cyber Shadow had me foaming at the mouth from the first trailer. No doubt some will get vibes from The Messenger, NES Ninja Gaiden Trilogy and other action games from that era but Cyber Shadow still looks like it will stand on it's own as a very solid 2D action plaftormer with an incredible soundtrack that I need right now along witht he dang game.

Langrisser I & II (NS, PS4), Release 3-10-2020
Originally released under the name Warsong outside of Jaapan, the Langrisser titles (at least the first two) are returning to consoles under their original names. These retro strategy RPGs come with some modern touches and even let you choose between the old anime art style or the newer models. If you want to hear those original soundtracks, just set the audio back and enjoy that Genesis synth. The only thing missing  is a Genesis controller to play the games with.

Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection (PS4, XBO, NS, PC) , Release 2-25-2020
I own every single physical copy of these games individually. I also own the Mega Man Zero Collection on the DS. Having said that, I'm still stoked to play through these games again. I ran through Mega Man ZX in 2007 and recall greatly enjoying that game, so I'm looking forward to revisiting it. The Zero games tell an intriguing story that wraps up nicely by the fourth entry, have some killer beats and are on par with the difficulty you'd expect from the Mega Man series. Multiple difficulty settings will make these games less intimidating for new players or for those that want to experience these games again without getting punched in the face over and over. Along with different screen settings are the options to play the Japanese or American versions of each of these titles. I just love that different region versions of games are becoming far more common.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore (NS), Release 1-17-2020
The original Wii U version of this game was one of the very last games I purchased for the system. I never did get around to playing it. I think I was probably far too busy with Breath of the Wild. The original game didn't do too well so I'm happy it is being given another shot on the Switch, a system that has been killing it since the day it launched. There isn't a wealth of new content but the load times have been drastically improved from the Wii U version. I'm looking forward to saving the world as pop idol and getting to know my party members as the worlds of Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei collide.

Double Dragon & Kunio-kun Retro Brawler Bundle (NS, PS4, XBO, PC), Release 2-20-2020
What was originally a Japan exclusive release has made its way outside of the Land of the Rising Sun. In digital forma, anyway. You get the NES Double Dragon trilogy along with every single NES Kunio-kun title, yes, even the ones that originally never left Japan, have been translated to English. That's a lot of beat 'em up and sports titles in one package. See the differences between River City Ransom and Downtown Nekketsu Story, play some Super Dodge Ball, see how much Renegade sucks and then play one of the infinitely superior beat 'em ups in epic bundle.

Dreams (PS4), Release 2-14-2020
The developers behind Little Big Planet are back with Dreams, a game that gives you a ton of stuff to work with to make the things of well, your dreams. The game isn't even two months old and people have already crafted some impressive Sonic stages, Super Mario 64 castle re-creations, race tracks and so much more. Even if you aren't the creative type, Dreams is thew sort of thing you'd want just to check out all the cool and silly projects people have come up with.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX (NS) 3-6-2020
I never played the original Pokemon Mystery Dungeon so I have no nostalgia for this one. Even so, the story book-like art style and random dungeon layouts mixed with the grid turned based combat I experienced in the demo did wet  my appetite so I think I will be checking out the full game. I like that all the Pokemon in your rescue team are rocking scarves and the music I've heard thus far really slaps.

KUNAI (NS, PC), Release 2-6-2020
Despite me feeling burned out on the over abundance of metroidvania games, KUNAI still managed to attract my attention. You play as a tablet, aptly named Tabby, with the soul of an old as dirt ninja warrior running through his wires. KUNAI looks to be more of a faster paced take on the genre. Tabby can quickly climb walls, swing around and deflect bullets. Robots with ninja action. Sounds like a good time to me. Oh and I am a fan of any game that lets you run around doing ninja business while rocking a top had with a monocle.

Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary Bundle (PS4, XBO), Release 2-18-2020
I've already got Bayonetta 1 physical on my Wii U but I won't object to getting another physical copy on a different platform as I've yet to play the first game. Having said that, the real draw in this bundle for me is Vanquish. I missed out on this game when it originally released. With elements of sci-fi, shooting and high octane mech action, Vanquish looks like another PlatinumGames hit.

Prinny 1-2: Exploaded and Reloaded (NS), Release 10-31-2020
I have never played the original releases of either of these games but the trailer for this collection looked so off the wall crazy. Apparently this is an action adventure romp from the team that brought us Disgea, a series I have never played but heard great things about.  When one of your listed moves is called Hip Pound the sequel to the first game has the subtitle Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood!, I feel compelled, nay, obligated to see just how strange these games are.

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