Saturday, March 28, 2020

VG Soundtrack of the Day: Introduction

You ever have ideas rolling around in your head but you don't go ahead with them because you don't feel the time is right or you think it only sounds good on paper? Well for me, this is one of those many ideas.

Thanks to that stupid COVID-19, many of us are in lockdown and as a result, we have a lot of time on our hands. In an effort to post more frequently on this blog and in some way help ease some of those troubled minds, or just give them something to do, I present to you, VG Soundtrack of the Day. It is precisely what it says on the tin, an entire video game soundtrack posted once a day, regardless of whether I've posted something else in the same day. Mind you, if I have an editorial planned for one day out in the week, I'll be giving that post some breathing room before the soundtrack of that day gets posted.

These will be video game scores but not every soundtrack will be in game audio. By that I mean, some soundtracks posted will be game music but that music won't be in the game it is based off of. For example, the truckload of FINAL FANTASY albums that feature strictly arranged music. Since albums like those are still game music in some form, I see those as being fair game. Plus it will help spice up the variety and boy, will there be plenty of that. From the chiptunes of the NES and SEGA Master System all the way to the sweeping orchestral music that some games use for modern gaming, there will be a huge dose of music to hear. I also plan to archive these soundtracks so you don't have to worry about going back to find previous posts. I'm not sure how long this will go but I like to think we can get it into the triple digits.

Usually, I have a Favorite Tunes that I would post weekly every Saturday, but even before COVID-19 insanity kicked in, I decided to place Favorite Tunes on hiatus. It is also much easier to do daily soundtrack posts than it is to post six songs separately.

Due to the nature of certain game soundtracks some will be short listens, and some will be quite lengthy, spanning over two hours. I find that game soundtracks that are or the brief side can make for some pretty good repeat listens while those expansive scores are great for killing some time or letting them play in the background while you read a book or do some housework. Anyone familiar with game music ought to know that some of those GOAT game soundtracks? Yeah, you know the ones. Those will pop up here as well as some of the lesser known, more obscure VG soundtracks. I do play to space things out. Say, one day, I post a FINAL FANTASY soundtrack. The next day will be something else entirely. Gotta keep that variety going.

Call me strange but I do think that like books and movies, there is a video game soundtrack out there for everyone. I also firmly believe that game music can be enjoyed outside of gameplay. Maybe you'll rediscover an old favorite and maybe you'll find a new favorite.

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