Friday, May 8, 2020

VG Soundtrack of the Day 041: Mega Man 2

Forty plus days of this we're just now getting to our third Mega Man soundtrack? As a huge Mega Man fan, I'm disappointed in myself but I did say I would try to space games in the same series apart. Mega Man 2 is widely viewed as the pinnacle of the entire Mega Man franchise. It is a great game, sure, but it has more than it's fair share of faults. I think too many fans and critics look at how it elevated the series and completely dismiss it's faults. But that's a topic for another day. Mega Man 2's music is among the best the medium has to offer. Whenever Mega Man 2 is talked about people will gush about how fantastic the soundtrack is. Songs from Mega Man 2 are among the most remixed in video game music. If I had to pick a single favorite track, that would be Wood Man Stage. The Spotify link below has a number of additional tracks outside of the NES score so if you want to listen to just the chiptune music, click the YouTube link.

Mega Man 2 (Spotify)

Mega Man 2 (YouTube)

VG Soundtrack of the Day Database

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