Friday, May 15, 2020

VG Soundtrack of the Day 048: Super Adventure Island

Yuzo Koshiro is a big fan of music in the west. Some of his most iconic works such as the Streets of Rage trilogy on the Genesis, were heavily influenced by music in the west from late 80s and early 90s era. Super Adventure Island, another game with Koshiro's name attached has the early 90s written all over it. Listening to Super Adventure Island music is like taking a trip in a time a machine. Given the current state of world, going back to a different time doesn't seem like such a bad idea. Tracks I can't get enough of include Follow Wind, The Island of Everlasting Summer, Blue Blue Moon and Ice Groove. The use of samples of 90s era music is heavily present in this soundtrack.

Super Adventure Island (YouTube)

VG Soundtrack of the Day Database

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