Monday, June 22, 2020

VG Soundtrack of the Day 066: The King of Fighters '94

If you owned a Neo Geo, you owned an arcade machine. No, really. The Neo Geo ran off of SNK's MVS arcade hardware, meaning you weren't settling for watered down ports of arcade games, but an arcade perfect experience. The cost however, was not cheap. A Neo Geo would set you back a cool $600 and those big honkin' cartridges were $250. These days, the Neo Geo's library can be played for chump change via compilations and digital re-releases. I never did get to be one of the cool kids that had The King of Fighters '94 at home. I wouldn't play the game until about 2009 and by then, the numerous sequels had surpassed it in so many areas. Still, The King of Fighters '94 does have some of my favorite tracks from the series. It has the best ESAKA/JAPAN theme, fight me. Why, oh why did it not get into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?

VG Soundtrack of the Day Database

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