Friday, July 3, 2020

VG Soundtrack of the Day 074: Street Fighter EX plus Alpha

The music from Street Fighter II is classic stuff. Everyone is familiar with Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li and Guile's legendary stage themes. However, there are some Street Fighter beats that are often slept on when compared to the SFII jams. Street Fighter EX was the series entry into the the third dimension and the results were less than stellar. I still contest to this day that the games are nowhere near as bad as they are often made out to be but the star of the show for the EX games is the Arika characters such as Skullomania and the fantabulous music, specifically the home version of Street Fighter EX, Street Fighter EX plus Alpha. The arcade music for EX sound like prototype music while the arranged music from EX plus Alpha sounds like the fully fleshed out pieces of music these themes were always meant to be. Strange Sunset may not go with everything but man, the jazz is strong with this one. Cold Pipe screams industrial and I am all for some industrial music. Guardian of Light is so very Ken. Precious Heart has some of the best saxophone and guitar solos in any video game song. 

Street Fighter EX plus Alpha's music is so awesome you could listen to it all 4th of July weekend. In fact I'm gonna let you do just that. VG Soundtrack of the Day will return on Monday. Have a great one and enjoy the music. I know I will and I've can't count how many times I've listened to this soundtrack over the years.

VG Soundtrack of the Day Database

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