Wednesday, October 28, 2020

VGM Saturdays #284: Halloween is Cancelled

With the COVID-19 pandemic running rampant across America and cases spiking in other countries, the CDC has strongly advised against having the little ones go out trick or treating. For Halloween 2020, I suggest taking a spooky game for a spin or listening to some horror inspired tunes. Lucky for you, I got six of those blow.

Stage 7: Den - Castlevania: Dracula X (SNES)

Also known as the inferior version of Rondo of Blood. Yes, yes, the PCE version of this game is miles better. But dang it, Dracula X still has an outstanding soundtrack. I was gonna go with the excellent version of Blood Tears but Den sounds really good on the SNES hardware.

Iron Horse, Iron Terror (Queen Bee Stage) - Darkstalkers 3 (ARC)

Halloween themed Street Fighter, some say. Regardless, I really like the art style and character designs of this series and with Capcom releasing so many different compilations of late, Darkstalkers is long overdue. I nearly forgotten how awesome the beats are to this series, the third game in particular.

Big Boo's Haunt - Super Mario 64 (N64)

I've never liked Ghosts Houses. Boos were irksome foes to deal with in Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World went and gave the little buggers their own course in almost every world. Super Mario 64 not only has a whole course with Boos of different sizes floating around, it also has a piano that I'm sure freaked more than a few people out back in the day. I recently saw it spook my nephew. Yeah, I could have told him in advance but that would have deprived me of a good chuckle.

Mine Cart Madness - Donkey Kong Country (SNES)

The mine cart levels could test the patience of even the most sane individual. Jump too soon, ya die. Jump to late, ya die. Memorization was key to getting through these levels. As touch as the mine cart stages could be in the SNES DKC trilogy, they don't have anything on DKC Returns or Tropical Freeze. The feats of wizardry you have to pull off to survive in those levels can be insane.

Sandopolis Zone Act 2 - Sonic 3 & Knuckles (GEN)

Act 1 of Sandopolis has you trekking across the sands of Angel Island. For act 2, you go inside a pyramid, unleash some ghosts that became nightmare fuel if you don't find a light switch fast. The more eerie version of Sandopolis really sells that feeling of discomfort as you play through this level.

Key Cavern (Level 3) - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (NSW)

A remake of one of my favorite Zelda games, the Switch version improved upon the original while keeping the spirit of 1993 game well in tact. Even on the old GB hardware Level 3 sounded super creepy to me. That same unsettling feeling is echoed through this arrangement. 

VGM Saturdays Database

Friday, October 23, 2020

Surprise Fire Emblem

You know what? I like Nintendo dropping things outta nowhere. They did it with that Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity reveal and they are at it again. OK, so this time, it isn't as huge as the aforementioned game, but it was still a pleasant surprise. 

This year marks the 30th anniversary of Nintendo's Fire Emblem series and unlike some of the company's other franchises, they actually seem to give enough of a fig about this one to celebrate. Sorta. Kinda. Maybe. I really don't know if translating the NES version of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light for western audiences is Nintendo's way of really celebrating FE's 30th anniversary, but giving gamers in the west the NES version that started it all is something I really can't knock. And for the low price of $5.99, too.

Screenshot by The Verge

Nintendo did release a remade version of this game on the DS in 2008 under the name Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon. That game now goes for quite a high asking price so, $6 for an officially translated version of the original 1990 game is a steal. This Switch eShop release will come with new quality of life features such as stave states, rewind and fast forward. Purists will no doubt scoff at these new features, but I saw screw those players. If you want to enjoy a FE game without worrying about permanently losing characters, have at it.

If you want to spend a little more than $6, you could opt for the Fire Emblem 30th Anniversary Edition for $49.99 at select retailers. You get a download code for the game and a 220 plus page art book, a NES replica box and what looks like a Nintendo Power pullout poster, among other things. The 30th Anniversary Edition is definitely for the diehard FE fan so I doubt I'll be handing over 50 clams, but it does look really, really, cool.

Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light is not only the game that kicked off the whole FE series, it is also the game that Marth made his debut in. A good chunk of gamers would be introduced to Marth in 2001's Super Smash Bros. Melee and it was cute that the reveal trailer for this game begun with Marth losing a match to Roy followed by one of the players trying to explain to the other what the first FE game was/is.

Am I going to be picking up Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light? Absolutely. I've been wanting to take a trip back in time and experience some of the earlier FE games and while I wish I could play the DS remake, I'm down to play the OG version. Like I said early on, this was a pleasant surprise and I like how Nintendo has stayed on that surprise game lately.

What I don't like is the game being hit with the same limited availability stick that has struck Super Mario Bros. 35 and Super Mario 3D All-Stars. Once April 1, 2021 rolls around, if you haven't bought it yet, you're outta luck. Nintendo, why are you the way you are? 

Saturday, October 17, 2020

VGM Saturdays #283: Keeping it Mostly, Definitely Old School

Music from this week's selection is most from gaming of days gone by but I did manage to squeeze a modern track in there. Which is an arrangement from an old game. *Shrug*

Open Your Eyes (Stage 1) - Zero Wing (ARC)

I had to do a search to find out the last time I posted a song from Zero Wing. It has been almost two years since I posted a song from any version of Zero Wing. Man. I know I put this feature on hiatus but that is still far too long to go without music from this game. New Day for Me is probably my favorite theme from Zero Wing but I cannot deny that Open Your Eyes is almost equally as good and is a great track to kick off the game. Those of you that are fans of the Mega Drive and PCE version, I'll get around to posting those. Eventually. 

Cosmic Desert - Tobal No.1 (PS)

Before FINAL FANTASY VII made Square a powerhouse on the PS, there was Tobal No.1 a 3D fighter that had a quest mode where you roamed dungeons. Ironically, the game came with a demo for the game that would make RPGs go mainstream. I remember Tobal for the Akira Toriyama character designs and the soundtrack, which I really should post more of. Hmm. That's getting to be a theme here this week.


2020, awful year that it was, did not stop FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE from releasing. The first installment of it, anyway. Yes, irritating as it is, the remake that was announced in 2015 will release in parts. Given Square Enix's track record for releasing much anticipated games and factor in COVID-19 making a mess of everything, there is no telling when the next part of FFVIIR will release. Hurry! was a big favorite of mine from the original FFVII and I love the remake version almost as much.

Choco Mountain - Mario Kart 64 (N64)

I gotta say it: better Mario Kart games have followed since the first two entries. But for a good, long while, Mario Kart 64 was my jam. And that soundtrack? Perfection. At first I confused this theme for that of Moo Moo Farm, which is a very good song, but I would choose Choco Mountain over it any day.

Main Menu - Ridge Racer 64 (N64)

When one thinks of Ridge Racer, the N64 entry probably isn't the first game to spring to mind. Even the music isn't on the same level as other entries. Even so, there are some good songs in Ridge Racer 64. I was going to pick one of the songs you hear on the race track but then I remembered how good the Main Menu theme was so, here we are.

Hello, Happy Kingdom - Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (SNES)

It has been a hot minute since I posted a track from Super Mario RPG. The game has such grand compositions from Yoko Shimomura. She arranges classic Mario and a few FINAL FANTASY tracks throughout the game. And as much as I love Weapons Factory and Battle with Culex, Hello, Happy Kingdom just popped into my head. Besides, I'm pretty sure I did Weapons Factory way back when.

VGM Saturdays Database

Saturday, October 10, 2020

VGM Saturdays #282: New Name, Same Game

Favorite Tunes is no more. Say hello to VGM Saturdays! Basically Favorite Tunes under a different name. I considered starting over with a new #1 but too many comic books do that and I like those high numbers I've built up over the years, so the legacy numbers stay. 

The new title also marks the return of me regularly posting my favorite video game music on a weekly basis. The last time I did this was back in February. In the place of it was VGM Soundtrack of the Day, which I did less of when I went back to work and then halted all together. I may revive that feature someday. For now, enjoy VGM Saturdays. Music is now embedded right here on this very page. So just lick the YouTube play button and let the good tunes roll.

Replay - SEGA AGES Virtua Racing (NSW)

Virtua Racing Deluxe, released on the SEGA 32X came with a system exclusive song, Replay. This song was an absolute banger. Well now you can listen to that banger in the sound font of the arcade version of Virtua Racing via the Switch SEGA AGES release. All racing replay music in racing games should use this theme.

1991 - Hotshot Racing (NSW, PS4, XBO, PC)

A racing game clearly inspired by the early '90s polygonal racers. 2020 has sucked so I welcome anything that takes me back in time for a bit. And thankfully, Hotshot Racing plays as great as it looks. The game's soundtrack is very SEGA-esque so you can expect me to pick more tracks from this game in the future. 

USA - Panzer Paladin (NSW, PC)

Mechs, waifus, rad 8-bit style visuals and tons of different weapons to arm yourself with! What more could you ask for? The action is a bit more slow paced but more often than not, you're required to be quick on the controls or be dead. Panzer Paladin's music had me from the intro. USA is a theme that is stuck in my head in part to how many times I played the level (it was tough for me, OK?) and because it is such a good tune.

Garden of Hope - Pikmin 3 (Wii U)

If you missed out on Pikmin 3 (most did due to the system it was on), you're in luck. The game is coming to the Switch at the end of this month under the title Pikmin 3 Deluxe. This song is in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate but I don't think I've ever really paid much attention to it until I played the demo of Pikmin 3 Deluxe. It really is a smooth jam.

Enemy's Arsenal (Mission 2) - Sol-Feace (X68000)

Sol-Feace (Sol-Deace depending on which version and region you played) was released on multiple systems. I first came to know of it from the SEGA Genesis version. I like the soundtrack across all versions but when I'm in the mood for some chiptune Sol-Feace, the X68000 hits the spot. Mission 2 is my favorite track across all versions of the game. 

The Commissioner - Streets of Rage 4 (NSW, PS4, XBO, PC)

Streets of Rage came back with a vengeance. This just might be the SoR to top SoR2. There are new and old characters to play as and since this is a SoR game, of course the music is fire. This is one one of my three favorite boss tracks, the others will pop up in VGM Saturdays all in good time.

VGM Saturdays Database

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Super Mario Bros. 35: Insane Battle Royal Fun

Are you looking for a joke about how Nintendo skipped so many Super Mario games and arrived at the thirty fifth entry? Well, I haven't got one for you, sorry. That is a horse I'm gonna let rest in peace.

I wanted to talk about Super Mario Bros. 35 sooner. Like, right after I played it on October 1st. But, I thought it might be a good idea to get to let it stew for a bit. You know, get a few games under my belt. It has been exactly one week since Super Mario Bros. 35 landed as a Nintendo Switch Online exclusive title. I've got some pretty embarrassing defeats, six victories and a really cool Hammer as my icon. TLDR; Super Mario Bros. 35 rocks socks.

If you haven't heard, SMB35 is a battle royal game that pits you against 34 other players. The objective is not to speed run levels but instead to defeat enemies and send them to other players. Think of enemies as garbage blocks, a la Tetris. Anyone that has played Tetris 99 will have an idea how SMB35 operates. You can target players that have a lot of coins, players that are low on time, players that are targeting you, or just some random player. Collecting coins is important because it gives you access to your item box. For a cool 20 coins you can use the "?" roulette to tip the scales in your favor. Sometimes you won't have access to a "?" Block and you'll be up against a couple of Bowsers. Spend some coins in hopes of getting a Super Star or a Fire Flower to get rid of them. 

So, grab coins and kill enemies. Simple, right? Well, yes and no. Killing enemies will win you back precious time, which is vital, but depending on which you have more of, it is usually a good idea to chase after what you have less of. If you have plenty of time to spare you should seek out coins. Being overwhelmed by enemies without power-ups is not a position you want to find yourself in. Coins can be saved up so you can use your item "?" roulette as many times as you need, so long as you have a hefty supply of coinage. Managing both time and coins is key but is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to doing well in SMB35.

Knowing the levels of SMB35 is another big part of achieving victory. Anyone that is familiar with SMB will have tremendous advantage over someone that doesn't. Knowledge of hidden 1-up blocks and the level layouts are some of the best weapons at your disposal. You can breeze through 1-1 and farm for time, sure. But going to 3-1 will give you the chance to send Hammer Bros. to your opponents and those suckers are the most aggressive they have ever been in any Mario game. The risk from going to later stages can pay off. Likewise, a trip to 4-1 will let you rain down Lakitus on other players. Depending on what stages other players are in, dealing with the likes of Hammer Bros. Bowser, Lakitu and even Cheep-Cheeps can be quite difficult. Can you imagine having to face a bunch of Bowsers in some of those narrow passages of 1-4? How about having an armada of Lakitus in 3-3 chase after you, raining down Spiny after Spiny? Yes, SMB35 can get so crazy with the amount of enemies that can be on screen at one time, so much that you will never complain about enemy spam in Super Mario Maker 2 ever again. 

As chaotic as SMB35 can get the game is at it's best when you're on the edge of your seat, fighting it out with really adept players, sending enemies back and forth. I've had battles with players that seem to go on and on until either I or they make a mistake and the match gets decided. Much as I like Tetris 99, I can get down with SMB35 more. The skill requirement to take first isn't anywhere near as high.

My biggest issue with the game has more to do with Nintendo's wacky decision making. Why, oh why is this game only playable until April 1, 2021? Super Mario Bros. 35 is so much fun that it is criminal to only let us revel in it for six measly months. Nintendo stays making those dumb choices. Not only should this game be a permanent addition for Nintendo Switch Online members, I'd love to see other Super Mario Bros. games done in this style. Just think of Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, or New Super Mario Bros. U with 35 players. *Sigh* I plan to enjoy Super Mario Bros. 35 while it lasts. I recommend you do the same.

All screens by Nintendo

Monday, October 5, 2020

Minecraft Steve Broke Twitter

Sooooo, did you catch the new Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character reveal on October 1? I didn't plan to but I woke up 2 minutes before the stream and decided that, rather than watch after everyone already knew, I would catch it live. And man, am I glad I did.

I didn't know it was Steve from Minecraft until I saw his blocky silhouette staring back at Mario, because I am very much an uncultured weenie that has never ever played Minecraft. Even so, I am well aware of Minecraft's massive popularity. Despite not being around as long as other gaming franchises, Minecraft is the best selling gaming IP on the planet. I wasn't really excited watching the trailer, but I had a smile on my face the entire time because one, I knew how badly some people wanted Steve and two, I knew how salty it would make some people. Real talk, I do kinda like the taste of salty tears from fans that get upset when a character reveal doesn't make them happy. Like, sure, folks are allowed to be upset but I'm talking more about people that get super angry that a character doesn't cater to them. You know the types. "I wanted X character! What a waste of a character slot!" Their tears will never not be delicious.  

Steve wasn't someone I wanted in Smash, but I'm glad he made it in. Seeing people's hype for him makes me happy for those people. Since October 1, I've seen dozens of reaction videos and I think their excitement has rubbed off on me because now I'm getting pretty jazzed about him. Steve just looks like such a super fun character and I am on edge waiting for him to drop. Really, none of the DLC characters in Ultimate have disappointed me. Sure, I find some more enjoyable than others, but not a one has flat out been a character I disliked. It is looking like Steve will be another fun addition to Ultimate's massive roster.

Steve's reveal trailer? That was just awesome and hilarious. Sonic Falcon Punch's Mario so hard he lands in the world of Minecraft. I love how Mario looks at Steven in bewilderment. Even when he takes out a steak and starts munching on it, Mario keeps that confused, slack jawed look. I get the feeling that Mario's reaction represented more than a few people who saw that trailer. It should make for some good meme fuel.

The Steve & Alex showcase on October 3 was very informative. Despite his simplistic look, Steve is a very technical character. I think anyone that has played Minecraft will be on some familiar footing as opposed to those who have never touched it. I may have to put in more practice with Steve than I have other fighters. He looks like a character that will be fun to watch both in casual and competitive play. If you're off stage, you might wanna chuck your controller out the window because the edge guard tools Steve posses makes it possible for him to gimmick even those with excellent recovery. Steven can literally block the ledges to keep you from making it back. I cannot wait to see how crazy players get with this. I've already thought about making an "L" in front of the ledge. Or perhaps I could spell out "lol". Ooo! Ooo! How about "nope"? 

As great as Steve looks to be, I may play as the Enderman alternate when I play. Enderman looks cute and but also creepy. Something about the way he peers inside Snake's box in the trailer that gives me a bit of a shudder. I think my shelf is in need of an Enderman toy and or plushie. Eh, I suppose I could spring for Steve, Alex and Zombie, too. 

The best thing about Steve coming to Smash? We get block Kirby! I didn't think it was possible for the pink puff to get any cuter but somehow, becoming square makes it happen. The other best thing about Steve coming to Smash is that he broke Twitter. No joke. Twitter was down for a good ten minutes due to the flood of traffic Steve's Smash presents brought. Any character that breaks Twitter can't be bad. 

October 13 is gonna be a fuuuuuun day.

All screens from Nintendo