Monday, October 5, 2020

Minecraft Steve Broke Twitter

Sooooo, did you catch the new Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character reveal on October 1? I didn't plan to but I woke up 2 minutes before the stream and decided that, rather than watch after everyone already knew, I would catch it live. And man, am I glad I did.

I didn't know it was Steve from Minecraft until I saw his blocky silhouette staring back at Mario, because I am very much an uncultured weenie that has never ever played Minecraft. Even so, I am well aware of Minecraft's massive popularity. Despite not being around as long as other gaming franchises, Minecraft is the best selling gaming IP on the planet. I wasn't really excited watching the trailer, but I had a smile on my face the entire time because one, I knew how badly some people wanted Steve and two, I knew how salty it would make some people. Real talk, I do kinda like the taste of salty tears from fans that get upset when a character reveal doesn't make them happy. Like, sure, folks are allowed to be upset but I'm talking more about people that get super angry that a character doesn't cater to them. You know the types. "I wanted X character! What a waste of a character slot!" Their tears will never not be delicious.  

Steve wasn't someone I wanted in Smash, but I'm glad he made it in. Seeing people's hype for him makes me happy for those people. Since October 1, I've seen dozens of reaction videos and I think their excitement has rubbed off on me because now I'm getting pretty jazzed about him. Steve just looks like such a super fun character and I am on edge waiting for him to drop. Really, none of the DLC characters in Ultimate have disappointed me. Sure, I find some more enjoyable than others, but not a one has flat out been a character I disliked. It is looking like Steve will be another fun addition to Ultimate's massive roster.

Steve's reveal trailer? That was just awesome and hilarious. Sonic Falcon Punch's Mario so hard he lands in the world of Minecraft. I love how Mario looks at Steven in bewilderment. Even when he takes out a steak and starts munching on it, Mario keeps that confused, slack jawed look. I get the feeling that Mario's reaction represented more than a few people who saw that trailer. It should make for some good meme fuel.

The Steve & Alex showcase on October 3 was very informative. Despite his simplistic look, Steve is a very technical character. I think anyone that has played Minecraft will be on some familiar footing as opposed to those who have never touched it. I may have to put in more practice with Steve than I have other fighters. He looks like a character that will be fun to watch both in casual and competitive play. If you're off stage, you might wanna chuck your controller out the window because the edge guard tools Steve posses makes it possible for him to gimmick even those with excellent recovery. Steven can literally block the ledges to keep you from making it back. I cannot wait to see how crazy players get with this. I've already thought about making an "L" in front of the ledge. Or perhaps I could spell out "lol". Ooo! Ooo! How about "nope"? 

As great as Steve looks to be, I may play as the Enderman alternate when I play. Enderman looks cute and but also creepy. Something about the way he peers inside Snake's box in the trailer that gives me a bit of a shudder. I think my shelf is in need of an Enderman toy and or plushie. Eh, I suppose I could spring for Steve, Alex and Zombie, too. 

The best thing about Steve coming to Smash? We get block Kirby! I didn't think it was possible for the pink puff to get any cuter but somehow, becoming square makes it happen. The other best thing about Steve coming to Smash is that he broke Twitter. No joke. Twitter was down for a good ten minutes due to the flood of traffic Steve's Smash presents brought. Any character that breaks Twitter can't be bad. 

October 13 is gonna be a fuuuuuun day.

All screens from Nintendo

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