Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Let's Discuss: Animal Crossing: New Horizons: More Hair Syles & Sitting

Image by MayorMori

Normally I catch the videos that Nintendo uploads on YouTube detailing the latest updates for Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I didn't catch this one before the update went live so I did not know the full scope of what the new update would bring. Holy moly, this one is a doozy.

The latest addition to New Horizons is a slew of new reactions. We don't have to get them from villagers. Just go to the ADB machine at resident services and use your Nook Miles to get your new reactions. These new expressions are sure to be very big fan favorites. One allows us to do something players have been craving for months: the ability to sit. No, I don't mean on a sofa or a stool. The sit reaction lets you plop your cheeks down on the ground, much like your villagers do. So if you have ever wanted to sit with your villagers while they relax by the river or under a tree, we can now do so.

There are other reactions like waving goodbye so you don't have to use the greeting reaction for leaving now, though I'm sure some still will. Another one I am ever so grateful for being added is the selfie reaction. My favorite thing about CJ (other than him paying extra for my fish) was when he takes out his Nookphone and goes nuts. Now we can do that. Even better, our character's end it by holding a goofy smile. 

There are a plethora of extra slots for new reactions. Personally, I'm jazzed for the reaction that let's us sing. New Horizons went from 9 to 9.5 with this new update but when we can finally sing along to K.K. Metal with our villagers? 11/10, man.

As much as I am digging the slew of new reactions, the six new hairstyles are so, so, soooooo good. I'm a guy that shaves his head IRL so I don't think I need to fully get into how awesome it is to at last be bald in Animal Crossing. But, that afro? 

I never knew how much I wanted an afro in this game. I never knew how much I needed one. I mean, we've had afro's in Splatoon 2 for a long while. And yes, it does get affected by the hats you wear. Sometimes I lock to rock a hibiscus or some other accessory just to give the fro more glow. I've actually been rocking the afro hair for more than a week now. Would I do an afro IRL? Nope. I don't have the patience to keep it looking good. Which makes me appreciate how effortless it is to change hair styles in this game even more. If more hairstyles are to come in future updates, I'm all for it. That and an air guitar reaction. Then the game will be 13/10.

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