Saturday, November 21, 2020

VGM Saturdays #286: Ain't Nothing Like a Funky Beat

This is one of those VGM Saturdays where I give away one of the songs in the subtitle. Some of you may already know the song or game to which I am referring. 

Everybody Jump Around - Jet Set Radio (DC)

Though it was short lived, the SEGA's Dreamcast was some to some truly fantastic games. One that is frequently mentioned is Jet Set Radio, known for it's highly stylish cel-shaded visuals and very distinct soundtrack. Hideki Naganuma did the bulk of song writing for the game but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Richard Jacques fire contribution that is Everybody Jump Around.

Valhalla - Super Valis IV (SNES)

Super Valis IV has one of those underrated soundtracks. I may not even know of the game if it weren't for my dad renting this one back in the day. Castle Vanity is my favorite track from the game but Valhalla is a very close second. The bass is working major overtime in this one.


I know nothing of this game. I was listening to music from the Jet Set Radio games while working and this popped up in my recommended tab. So I clicked and fell in love. It sounds like it came right out of a JSR game. The song was even scored by Hideki Naganuma.

Call the Cops - Streets of Rage 4 (PS4, XBO, NSW, PC)

As of stage 2, cops become some of the regular enemies you trade blows with in Streets of Rage 4. The worst of the bunch are packing tasers. Seeing as how the cops are working for the bad guys in this game, I have no qualms about taking a fist or blunt object to their face. Pretty rad how this song makes use of police sirens. 

Sponge Cave Spelunking - Yoshi's Woolly World (Wii U)

Yoshi has been receiving a lot of love over the years. The hungry dino has had an outing on the past 3 Nintendo consoles with latest being Yoshi's Crafted World for the Switch. The previous game, Yoshi's Woolly World was ported to the 3DS. With Wii U games getting a second shot on the vastly more popular Switch, I would so be down to buy Woolly World a third time. 

Harbinger - DOOM 2016 (PC, PS4, XBO, NS)

What could be better than slaying demons? Slaying demons to a banger of a soundtrack, that's what. The madlads at Panic Buttons somehow managed to port this beast of a game over to the Switch. It doesn't run at 60fps, rather 30, but the feat is still impressive. Rip and tear anywhere. 

VGM Saturdays Database

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