Friday, December 11, 2020

Mario (Almost) Dies and Sepiroth is in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Did you watch the Game Awards? Me neither. The only reason I had the slightest interest in tuning in was due to the fact that Nintendo promised the reveal of the next Fighter Pass vol. 2 character for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. I didn't have any ideas on who the character could be but when I found out it was Sepiroth, I erupted with laughter. I did not in a million years see it coming, as did a plethora of other games. And this, folks, is why I'm glad Sepiroth's reveal was not leaked. These kinds of things are just all around better when they don't get spoiled by idiots wanting their 15 minutes of fame.

I really like FFVII. It is one of my favorite games. I just replayed it on my Switch this year. And yet, I'm not a huge fan of Sepiroth. I think his design is cool but if you were to ask me my favorite FF baddie, I would pick Kefka over him any day. And yet, I can't hate on Sepiroth being included as a DLC fighter for Ultimate. Heck, I never thought we would get anymore FF reps, yet alone another from the same game. And yet, the pretty boy swords man is gonna be joining Ultimate's already huge roster and I am 100% cool with that.

We're going to get a Mr. Sakurai Presents Sepiroth on December 17th that will give us a deep dive into what Cloud's nemesis is all about in battle, but the trailer showed off a few things we can gauge on our own. For starters, Sepiroth's sword range is, understandably, loooooong. Like, why would you even bother trying to get close to your opponent when you can slice and them from that range? Most likely, Sepiroth will probably be a heavy. Some of his sword strikes look like they have some lag on them so faster characters may have an edge on him. Like any good heavy, Sepiroth will probably hit like a tank if he connects. If Ganondorf can kill with a few strong attacks, just image what Sepiroth is capable of.

Can we talk about that reveal trailer? I love it wasn't obvious for many until the music kicked in. The trailer could have shown Cloud right off the bat, giving who our new fighter would be away, but instead, Sakurai and company chose to wait until after that familiar track started playing to clue you in. Annnnnd then we see Sepiroth trounce the current roster of fighters. Be it with in-game footage or the gorgeous CG cut scenes, Sepiroth mops the floor with everyone that you can't even call it a fight. And what about that scene where Sepiroth straight up tries to murder Mario? I mean, sure he missed but Sephy really did try to kill Mr. Video Game! People were legit worried that Mario got stabbed, myself included. That trailer was one of the hypest things I've seen and did an excellent job of showing off how deadly Sepiroth can be.

Now, let's talk about the music tracks, or really, the lack thereof. We have seen Cloud, one of the most recognizable video game characters get crumbs for song picks in two Super Smash Bros games now. I don't know all of the specifics, but the FINAL FANTASY series has been heavily gutted when it comes to representation in songs and in the case of Ultimate, Spirits, in the case of the later, there are none to speak of. That may change once Sepiroth drops but I'm not holding my breath. We'll probably get JENOVA, the original track from FINAL FANTASY VII, or JENOVA Absolute, since that song is played in the Northern Crater and that is where you fight the final form of Jenova. One Wing Angel is gonna be included because it is Sepiroth's most iconic tracks. It could very well be the original version from FFVII and not the killer remix we heard in the reveal trailer. After the way Cloud has been done dirty two games now, I don't see Square Enix suddenly becoming generous, but I would love to be wrong here.

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