Friday, January 1, 2021

VG Soundtrack of the Day #081: DuckTales

Happy new year and welcome back to VG Soundtrack of the Day! After some consideration, I decided to give this daily feature a Phoenix Down. For six days out of the week, you'll get a daily dose of VGM goodness. Why only six days? Because Saturdays are reserved for VGM Saturdays and I would like to avoid two posts on Sarturday.

With the explanations done, let's take a trip back in time. For many of you, DuckTales was a part of your childhood, not just the show, but the NES game. Pogosticking around on Scrooge's cane looking for treasure made for a surprisingly good game. In 2013 it was remastered with an arranged soundtrack by Jake Kaufman. Both the NES and remastered tracks are fire so I'm presenting you with both.

VGM Soundtrack of the Day Database

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