Wednesday, March 10, 2021

All Hail Pyra/Mythra, our Sword Waifus

A new character has been added to the roster of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Much to everyone's delight, it is another sword fighter. 

Pyra/Mythra aren't merely more sword fighters. They in fact are a sword. I can't really explain it because I've yet to play Xenoblade Chronicles 2. But I do plan on picking the game up. I just need to find a physical copy without having to pay through the nose.

I'm actually not peeved that the latest addition to Ultimate's massive roster is another swordy. Some of my favorite characters to play as are sword users like Toon Link, Sepiroth and Mii Sword Fighter. And after a few days of playing as them, I just may have to add Pyra/Mythra to the list of my favorite sword wielders in the game.

What we have with Pyra/Mythra are two characters in one. You can start the battle with either Pyra or Mytrha and swap between the two on the fly. Zelda/Shiek worked like this in Melee and Brawl but the difference between those two was night and day. Pyra and Mythra while not as radically different as Zelda and Shiek when they were a single character, have more than enough differences to set them apart. Like Pokemon Train lists Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Charazard as their own numbers, Pyra and Mythra listed as characters 79 and 80 respectively. Two characters for the price of one is a pretty sweet deal.

Pyra, clad in red, isn't speedy but she's powerful. Mythra, wearing white, isn't powerful but she's fast. I tend to lean more towards Pyra for big damage but when I need to strike quickly, it's Mythra's time to shine. I can see people gravitating towards Mythra due to her quickness. Me, I like to swap between the two on a regular basis. True, most of my death blows are landed with Pyra because she hits like a tank, but I've scored some KOs with Mythra. Her side B can make for a decent recovery and since I am an unapologetic, filthy casual, I use it to close the gap when I see opponents getting close to items. Meanwhile, Pyra's side B is a ultra fun edge guarding tool, also useful for keeping foes away from items. I do think Mythra has the better recovery and her jumps are definitely higher than Pyra's, which is great for keeping the Smash Ball upwards as opposed to left and right. Oh and I WILL totally trade a stock/point if I can kill with Pyra's down B or Mythra's side B off stage. Totally worth it. It should be illegal to have this much playing as Pyra/Mythra.

Oh and I am totally Team Pyra. FIGHT. ME.

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