Monday, June 14, 2021

Game Builder Garage Has CRAZY Potential

When Nintendo revealed Game Builder Garage in early May, eager would-be couch developer's eyes grew wide, mine included. A legit game creator editor, made by Nintendo themselves, the company notorious for crushing fan projects? Sign us up yesterday! And the asking price is only a cool $30? Gimme, gimme!!!

So, as I write this, the game has been out for a only three days. I've yet to play my copy because I've been busy working and I want some time to really sit down and enjoy it. You know, ease myself into game developing. Unlike Super Mario Maker 2, Game Builder Garage is a little more complicated. OK, so it's A LOT more complicated. Sure the game advertises that anyone can be a game developer but from what I've read and seen, some devs will adapt faster than others. There are some pretty in depth tutorials to help you get you going but even then, it may take you a while to do something like make a 3D camera, or make sprites.

Again, only three days have passed since GBG dropped and already, players have come up with some very impressive stuff. Sonic, DOOM, Super Mario Kart, troll games (yes, they are out there, deal with it) and so much more. As intimidated as I felt about dipping my feet in the water when it came to the first Super Mario Maker, I feel so much more apprehensive about making a game in GBG because in so little time, players have set the bar so tremendously high. At the same time that their creativity makes me feel inadequate, it also adds fuel to my fire. 

If people can build some of the amazing creations we've seen this early on, I can only imagine what we'll see when players get even more time with GBG, really start adjusting to it. The potential GBG has is freaking crazy. I really want Nintendo to give this game updates and new features. If GBG grows a community like Super Mario Maker 2, it could have a nice, healthy life span ahead of it. It looks like the only limit (besides the game nodes) is our imaginations and I'm ready to let mine run wild.

Also, I want a Person Node plush. Available in all the colors. Get on it, Nintendo.

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