Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Nintendo, I'mma Need You to Chill

I wonder if Nintendo is making up for 2020 by dumping so many games on us for the rest of 2021. Between Nintendo and third parties, the Switch is loaded with the good stuff and I'm pretty sure I heard my wallet fear for its life during Nintendo's E3 Direct.

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania was leaked before Nintendo's E3 presentation, but I am still super jazzed for this collection. The first two Super Monkey Ball titles and Deluxe, remastered. Yeah, son, I am here for that. When I pre-ordered my copy, I saw that it comes with a slew of goodies like stickers and an art book. October is gonna be lit!

And speaking of October... Metroid Dread! All of a sudden Metroid Prime 4's development issues don't seem all that important because we got a shine new Metroid game that's just a little over 3 months away! Mercury Steam's work on Metroid: Samus Returns, a remake of Metroid II: Return of Samus was awesome and I am so excited to see them at the helm of the fifth mainline Metroid title. And it looks like we are getting those lovely horror themes from Fusion. As much as the SA-X creeped me out in that game, I'm down to run for my life once again. 

The last new entry in the WarioWare series was Game & Wario on the Wii U and that came out in 2013. WarioWare Gold for the 3DS was a greatest hits collection (still cool, tough) with some new microgames. WarioWare: Get it Together! is a straight up new game and it looks like crazy, Japanese, WarioWare craziness, sooo, *in Rual Julia M. Bison voice* of course, I love it! Can't wait to see what the WarioWare gang is up to! Is Mona still singing? Is Ashley still living in that haunted mansion? What kind of retro game set up in 9-Volt rocking? These are the important questions that we need answers to. 

Advance Wars 1+2 remakes? That was totally left field but I'm sure Advance Wars fans were like dogs on fire hydrants over Re-boot Camp. I actually own both original GBA carts. I've played some of the first one bur Black Hole Rising is still sealed in the box. And it is gonna stay sealed because the remakes look CLEAN. Thankfully this compilation doesn't release until December, giving my wallet a little breathing room.

Mario Golf: Super Rush is due this Friday. I had considered passing on this game but the more I see of it, the more stoked I get. So, yeah, I'll be playing it Friday after work. 

Breath of the Wild II, or whatever Nintendo calls it; I am so freaking happy that game isn't coming out until 2022. This year is already packed with too many games and my pre-order list is packed as is. The last thing I need is to squeeze in another $60 game. And I haven't even mentioned all the games Nintendo showed that I'm jazzed about because there are too many. 

Nintendo, can you please chill for a bit? Like, it would be perfectly fine if you didn't do any big Directs for the rest of the year. Before I watched that Direct, I already had several games on pre-order. Now, I've got way more and that is largely because what what shown is due this year. So, just chill for a while Nintendo. I admire that strong presents you got but I really need you to reign it in, or rather, my wallet needs you to.

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