Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Sora is Finally Here!

Today was the day. Masahiro Sakurai had me wake up just before 10 AM for the reveal for the final character for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. As I watched the reveal trailer, marveling at the production values (seriously, these Ultimate trailers have been so on point), I wondered who it could be. And it turned out to be Sora from Kingdom Hearts.

Gotta be honest, I initially was disappointed in Sora being the final character. But happiness can be quite the viral emotion and seeing so many people beaming over Sora making it into Smash, I was quickly won over. Seriously, all you Kingdom Hearts/Sora fans know how to quickly bring a guy out of his funk. And your tears of joy are truly crowning moments of heartwarming.

I honestly didn't think Sora would EVER make it into the game. After all, Walt Disney, AKA, The Mouse has a stake in the ownership of the character. Getting him into Smash had to be a real legal nightmare and I shudder just thinking of everything Sakurai, his team, Nintendo and Square Enix had to go through to make this happen. Most people would rather have several root canals while bathing in acid than dealing with anything copyright related to The Mouse.

Like so many characters, Sora looks insanely clean in this game. True to his games, he kinda bounces around in his idle animation and he's quite the floaty boy. He also comes with quite the DLC privilege. What is DLC privilege, you? Why, it's all the good stuff that DLC characters get that base game characters don't get. Sepiroth's stupidly long sword can kill you through the stage, Kazuya has some super armor and several shield breaking moves, Terry has GO! meter at 100%, you get the idea. Sora has crazy high jumps, he can combo you to the blast zone, kill you and still return to the stage, and he's got fire, ice and thunder magic. 

Those alternate costumes though! Seriously, I think I am loving those alts better than his OG outfit! Call it blasphemy, but I think his Kingdom Hearts II alt trumps his original. That black just looks so dang sleek. But the one I will probably use the most is the Timeless River alt. Man, the effort that had to go into that one. Yeah, all those alts look amazing but Timeless River is gonna be my main Sora pick, much like how I always go Enderman when using Steve. 

Sora was a really good character to end Ultimate's huge roster on and I say that as someone who is not a Kingdom Hearts fan. He the most request character and all odds, Sora is here and he looks really freaking good. October 18th is gonna be lit.

Oh and I am totally getting that Doom Guy Mii Gunner costume and teaming up with Isabelle. I ain't even mad at all at that costume.

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