Thursday, October 7, 2021

Thank You, Sakurai

Sora is the last character to be added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, bringing an end to the added content to a game that launched on day one with a plethora of characters. Seeing Mario and Sora shake hands with the entirety of Ultimate's roster present was quite the image. Fans that have been dying to have Sora in Smash finally got their wish. As great a day as October 5th was, it also marked the end of an truly magnificent era.

Hard to believe it has been a little over 3 years since Ultimate was announced. That fire version of the Smash symbol was a great throwback to how Ultimate all began. Every now and then, I'll watch reactions to Nintendo's E3 2018 Smash Ultimate presentation. Revisiting the genuine excitement and hype from the "Everyone is Here!" trailer will never fail to amaze me. Not only do I feed off other people's joy when I see their reactions, but the trailer itself is just so dang good. 

Not only has Ultimate taken us for a wild ride, but Smash as a series has been insane. 

With Smash being the behemoth that it is, it can be easy to forget that Smash started out as a side project with a small budget. Smash has gone from a series about Nintendo characters pummeling each other to this massive celebration of video game characters. Brawl ushered in the addition of third party characters with Snake and Sonic. Smash Wii U/3DS opened the floodgates with Cloud and Bayonetta. You've seen people lose their minds when Sora was revealed a few days ago. I had that very same energy when Mega Man was revealed for Smash in 2013. I grew up playing and loving his games so while Sora wasn't a character I initially wanted, I am very happy for those that love Kingdom Hearts because I know exactly how they felt.  

Maximillan Dood said some time ago that we are living in the golden age of Super Smash Bros. with Ultimate and yeah, he's right. When you stop and think about it, Ultimate is a game that really should not exist. Getting Nintendo characters back in the game was probably easy but all those third party reps? The deals worked out to be them in had to be freaking insane, not to mention the licensing fees. There will probably never been another Smash game as ambitious as Ultimate. How do you top something like this? If I were Sakurai, when closing up the Sora presentation, I would have strapped on a jet back and blasted off into retirement. Real talk, those never ask me for anything ever again memes are the freaking truth. After this game, we really can't ask him for jack. Man is an absolute legend. If Ultimate is the last Smash game he'll have worked on, so be it. He'll have left the series on the highest of high notes.

It has been said so many times already but we really cannot say it enough. For everything you have done, for all the time you've dedicated to making Super Smash Bros. Ultimate this spectacular game that it is, thank you, thank you, thank you so very much, Masahiro Sakurai. You and you team have thrown so much passion into this game and for that. It has been an incredible journey and I am so happy I was able to take it.

Am I sad the book on Ultimate is closing? Of course I am. But Sakurai and his team deserve a long break. As the saying goes, don't cry because it's over. Be happy that it happened. 


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