Friday, March 18, 2011

Game Art #1: Sonic Showcase

MEGA DRIVE by Carlos Plays
Love the nostalgia this image invokes. The black and white is an especially nice touch. Reminds me of all those B&W Genesis instruction manuals.

Unknown Artist
I really don't have a beef with Sonic's newer design (really, can we call it "new" if it's been around for over 10 years?), but I love about Sonic's classic art-style. I think this drawing captures the classic Sonic with absolute perfection.

Green Hill Zone by UpaUpa
Go ahead and try to tell me there's a more memorable zone in all of Sonic history than this one. Man, the colors on this are out of this world awesome.

Sonic 19 by Default-Deviant
This was actually done last year for Sonic's 19th anniversary. It's my current wallpaper.

Sonic and the Black Knight by zak29
Despite the title, this scene actually comes from Sonic 3 & Knuckles. This piece recreates first of many times Knuckles throws a switch to send Sonic and Tails elsewhere. Yeah, Knuckles was a real jerk back in the day.

sonic and tails by chicaramirez
Ah, Tails, Sonic's trusty sidekick. Along with taking your air bubbles and screwing up your chances at getting a Chaos Emerald in Sonic 2, he was the ultimate meat shield.

Sonic CD's FMV intro rocks. This picture rocks. That is all.

Sonic in Lava Reef Zone by nicochi
Lava Reef is one of my favorite Zones in Sonic 3 & Knuckles, though I do like Act 1 more, the crystal designs of Act 2 is still pretty sweet. nichoci has a new deviant art account you can view here.

Sonic the Hedgehog by nicochi
This style reminds me of the Saturday AM version of Sonic the Hedgehog, one of the best animated versions of Sonic, if not the best.

Sonic vs Metal Sonic by StudioZEL
Remember the race against Metal Sonic in Sonic CD? Man, was that annoying but I admit it was still one of the coolest parts to an already awesome game.

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