Wednesday, March 16, 2011

SNES Once Again

I wanted to give my nieces a few more options when it comes to games they can play. So after moving and digging through tons of boxes to find the console and all my games, I hooked up the SNES. Though as much as I connected it for them to play, I've done my fair share of gaming on it as well.

It's been nearly a year since the system was hooked up. I completely forgot that I didn't leave a cartridge in the slot, so the system was probably dirtier than it's ever been. This is also the very same SNES unit I got from my parents on the Christmas of 1991. She even sports that top half fade that most early SNES consoles do.

For the most part, the old girl still works pretty well. Yeah, I have to blow in some of the games since all of them haven't been cleaned in a very long time. I also have to make sure no one even touches the cartridges while they are being played on the system because this immediately makes the game stop working, something I never had issues with before. I suppose this could just be due to the my SNES being so old.

I have considered getting another SNES model, perhaps the SNES Model 2, or maybe even the FC Twin, which plays NES games as well as SNES games. I have legally emulated all of the SNES games I own, but it really is more enjoyable playing my SNES games on a TV screen as opposed to close up on  a PC monitor. There's also the fact that many SNES games have yet to make their way to the Wii's Virtual Console, something I really wish Nintendo would rectify.

Really, though, it's awesome to play games on my SNES again. The system is easily one of my all-time favorite video game systems, if not my all-time favorite. I've amassed a library of over 70 games for it, with a few more I'd still love to pick up. Many of the games still hold up and the sound capabilities still impress me to this day. After I nap, I think I'll fire the old girl up for more Yoshi's Island and Street Fighter II Turbo.


  1. snes was great fun in the day. Final fantasy and my first RPG - The Secret of Evermore were on that sytstem

  2. Demon's Crest is my favorite SNES game and like the system still holds up to this day.
    And I AGREE, it is better to be playing the games on a TV set up.

  3. Demon's Crest seriously needs a Virtual Console release. Actually A LOT of SNES games need a VC release.
