Friday, June 10, 2011

Virtual Console Purchases 4

Man, I so wish Compile was still around. When they weren't cranking out games for the Puyo Puyo series they made some truly excellent shooters, chief among them being the Aleste games. MUSHA is one of the best the genre has to offer on the Genesis and is quite rare. I actually scored a loose copy back in 2007 for less than $20. MUSHA being available on the Virtual Console is a miracle in and of itself. At 800 points, it's beyond being a steal. MUSHA also marked one of those rare instances where even the American box art was awesome. I got to the final stage of this game but as never able to complete it. I'm hoping to rectify that.

R-Type III: The Third Lighting (SNES)
One of those rare SNES carts, R-Type III was ported to the Game Boy Advance in 2004, but it was a pretty pitiful effort, one I quickly traded in. Video Game Heaven actually has a boxed copy of R-Type III but I shudder to think what it costs, so I'm more than content with a digital version of Irem's premier shooter. I've heard this one is rather difficult. That's not much of a surprise. All of the R-Types are insanely hard games. I think the only ones I've actually beaten are Super R-Type and R-Type Final and that took a lot of time on both.

Bonk's Adventure (TG-16)
From what I've heard, Bonk was to the TurboGrafx 16 what Sonic and Mario were for the respective platforms back in the day. While the kid with a ridiculously huge head may not have been on the same level as Sega and Nintendo's mascots, he did hit a positive vibe with TG-16 owners, serving up some of the best platforming action on the system. I nearly picked up his entire platforming trilogy on the TG-16 because they were only 600 points a piece but decided to settle with just the first for now. I'll more than likely grab the remaining two later on and probably the Air Zonk shooters as well. I wish Hudson Soft was still around.

Streets of Rage 2 (GEN)
Streets of Rage 2 has been on my mind a lot lately. Because of my current setup, I can only have about four systems out at once and I really didn't feel like unpacking the Genesis just to play Streets of Rage 2 again. Once more, the Virtual Console saves the day. Like most fans, I firmly believe Streets or Rage 2 is the best of the bunch. The first game is good, the second one is even better, with the third being way harder than it should be. I could gush all over Streets of Rage 2 and why it's a marvelous game but then, that would be repeating what millions of games have already said.

Castlevania (NES)
The Grim Reaper is not the only reason Castlevania is such a hard game. It has tricky platforming, tough bosses, nasty enemy placement and the ever so annoying Medusa Heads. Make no mistake, the original Castlevania is why many people loath Medusa in any shape, medium or form. Blood, sweat and tears are linked to this game for many of us, yet it's still highly regarded as a classic. For a game that came out in 1987, it still looks and sounds quite nice. Wicked Child is in desperate need of more remix love. Seriously, tone it down on the Vampire Killer and Bloody Tears arrangements, people.

Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NES)
I actually own the entire NES Castlevania trilogy on carts but for some reason, my copy of Castlevania III always crashes on the first level in mere minutes. This one is praised as being the best of the traditional (meaning non Metroidvania) Castlevania titles. Personally, I believe that honor goes to Super Castlevania IV, but maybe I'll sing a different tune after spending some quality time with Castlevania III. As hard as the original Castlevania is, I'm told this one is even more so. Time to check and see if I have enough aspirin.

Games Bought: 6
Time Spent on Wii Shop Channel: 1 Hour & 23 minutes
Total Virtual Console Games: 62

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