Sunday, June 12, 2011

Time for a Newer DS Model

I've had my original fat Nintendo DS since the summer of 2005. It has served me well, delivering hours of entertainment with Game Boy Advance games and of course, DS games. But the touch screen isn't as clear as it used to be, and I sure wouldn't mind having one of the sleeker models. Now that I'm working full time and making good money, I figure it's time to upgrade.

I'm leaning towards getting a DSi. "But Reg, why don't you just get a 3DS?" Because it's two hundred and fifty friggin' dollars, that's why. That kinda money for a handheld, by Nintendo or any other company, is not cheap. Besides, if I put money down on Nintendo's first 3DS model, I'll be kicking myself later when Nintendo releases the 3DS+, 3DSi or whatever upgrade the 3DS will no doubt get in the future. When I buy a 3DS, I'm only buying one version of it and no more.

The fact that many of the 3DS' triple A games aren't here yet also make it easier to pass on right now. Yes, I'm fully aware of the Ocarina of Time remake that drops this month and as a huge OoT fan, I want it just as badly as the rest of you, but it isn't enough to make me part with $250. Nintendo is promising Mario Kart 3DS and the new Super Mario 3DS game by the end of this year, but this is Nintendo we're talking about, a company that is notrious for delaying games. So if either of those games hit store shelves before December 31, 2011, I'll eat a piece of glass.

There are still plenty of DS games I need to play like Bangai-O Spirits, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hour Glass, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow and way too many more to mention. Heck, there are still some GBA games I need to play/finish.

I'd like to get a DSi new, but I'm not opposed to getting a used one. Much of my used stuff functions extremely well to this day (my PS2). So I'll probably check the net for some good deals.

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