Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Latest Game Purchases #14

I've been a fan of Nintendo's Picross games ever since I picked up a used copy of the original Mario's Picross for the brick Game Boy. I'm still miffed that Nintendo jipped North American gamers on a Virtual Console release of Mario's Super Picross and I've yet to buy Picross DS. Picross 3D is a game I should have bought earlier this year when I saw it on sale at Best Buy for $9.99. It carried that price tag for weeks and when I finally decided to purchase it, it shot back up to it's regular $19.99 price. Needless to say, I was a bit irked. Walking around in K-Mart the other day, I spotted a single copy of Picross 3D for $9.99. So bought.

Nintendo's practice of selling new DS games for $34.99 has never sat well with me. Even games that are years old, such as New Super Mario Bros., and Mario Kart DS have that price tag attached to them. While not as old as those titles, Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, the third game in the Mario & Luigi saga, sells new at every retail chain I've seen for the dreaded $34.99. I didn't want to make the same mistake I made with Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time and not pick up new while I had the chance so I reluctantly forked over the dough. I've heard lots of good things about Bowser's Inside Story, some are even saying it's the best in the series. I'm currently resuming my game of Superstar Saga so I'll get to this one eventually.

I decided that I would buy Bit.Trip Complete with my next pay check after seeing it in the store a few weeks ago when I bought Super Paper Mario. I played he demo of Bit.Trip Void and while very hard, it was still good fun. Bit.Trip Complete collects all six Wii Ware Bit.Trip games for $40. Seems a little steep but ultimately, it's not a bad deal. After playing the demo of Void, I was thinking of downloading the entire Bit.Trip series. But when word reached me of this compilation's release and the new material like adjust difficulty settings, 120 challenges, a 18 track audio CD, I'm glad I saved myself some Wii Points and got this instead. I killed more than an hour on Just Bit.Trip Beat alone. I can only imagine how much time I'll spend on this whole collection. Bit.Trip Complete is already looking to be one of my favorite games that I've bought this year.


  1. as for the 34.99 price tag, if the games keep selling at that price, then they will not (and as a business theory) should not decrease the price. Mario Kart DS, Animal Crossing and Dragon Quest V are some of the games that come to mind, people keep buying at this price, so why cut it back?? As a buyer yes it sucks, but as a seller it only makes sense,

  2. I wish the price would drop on Partners as Time as well. Some games just stay around there or worse it seems. The Phoenix Wright games for instance tend to hover around there.

    It's not the worst I've paid for stuff by far, but sometimes you end up not getting to these quite so fast when you can get several games for around that price via Steam or just generally discounted in general.

    Of course, buying a new controller is worse when they go for the price of some games. XD
