Monday, November 14, 2011

Latest Game Purchases #15

The Wii gets even more love, though I could probably hold off on some of the Wii purchases. I've already got Super Paper Mario to play along with Bit.Trip Complete. And then there's  other Wii games I haven't even started yet. But I digress. I've had a good Kirby vibe going since completing Kirby's Epic Yarn. I wanted to pick up Kirby Mass Attack on the DS as well, but I didn't have the cash for two Kirby titles, so I went with Kirby's Return to Dream Land.

My two nieces have been looking forward to this game even more than I have. I told them about it while they were playing through Kirby's Epic Yarn. I showed them some screenshots and explained to them that it would be a four player game similar to New Super Mario Bros. Wii. they were also excited to learn that they can play as Waddle Dee, King Dedede and Meta Knight. So yeah, they were pretty stoked.

After playing through Return to Dream Land, I can honestly say that it's one of my favorite Kirby games. The levels are a joy to run through, the abilities from inhaled foes are awesome to mess around with, and the super abilities are just icing on the cake. As a longtime Kirby fan, I enjoyed all the callbacks to numerous games in he series like the goal game at the end of each level from Kirby's Adventure. The game is great whether playing solo or with partners. I dare say it's one of my favorite Wii titles, and one of the best games of 2011.

I loved Sonic Colors on the Wii and I've been wanting to try out the DS version for a while now. From what I've heard, it's more or less the third game in the Sonic Rush series and I was a huge fan of the original sonic Rush (still need to pick up Sonic Rush Adventure). Being on the DS, Sonic Rush is pretty much all 2D, save for some boss fights. It's been a while since I've played a Sonic game on a handheld so I'm having a bit of a time readjusting to the Sonic style of play on a portable system. So far, I don't think it's bad, but I'm still digging the console version of Sonic Colors a lot more.

I happened to pick up my first Zelda plush toy when I bought Kirby's Return to Dream Land. Phantom Hourglass Toon Link is as cute as a button, easily one of the most adorable plush toys I've ever seen. He's also one of the cheapest as I picked him up for $7.99 at GameStop.

Toon Link is actually my favorite version of Link. I love the art style of Wind Waker and Link's whole character in that game. He was different from many Links that came before him and not just because he looked liked he belonged in a cartoon. Maybe it was because his sister was kidnapped that he had a personal stake in things, but this Link was rash, often not thinking things all the way through. In other words, he may have been wearing clothes similar to other Links, but he still had a lot to learn. This Link was more along the lines of "Heroes are made, not born." He wasn't out to save the world because it was his destiny. His sister was in trouble and even after she was safe, he could have easily said "Screw this, I'm done," and turned his back on Zelda, but he kept on going because it was the right thing to do. Despite his childish appearance, Toon Link will always be a hero in my eyes.

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