Monday, December 12, 2011

Latest Game Purchases #17

I'm in the middle of Christmas shopping so I'm trying not to do much in the way of shopping for myself, but these games were so insanely cheap that it was hard to pass them up.

Another game that I used to own, loaned to a friend, said friend moved, and well, here we are. I never did get around to playing Xenosaga Episode I, but I heard good things about it. I've also heard it has some pretty lengthy cut scenes so I'll be sure to not play this game before going to work. I ended up paying even less for this when I bought it than I did the first time, so I view that as a win.

Since I was buying the first Xenosaga, I figured I may as well get Episode II. Never played this one and I'll hold off on it until I finish the first one. If I ever get around to either one, that is.

Crazy Taxi was one of the first games I bought when I picked up a Dreamcast in the summer of 2001. Still own my Dreamcast copy to this day. But I did play the PS2 version at Best Buy when it released and it was identical to the Dreamcast version. I know the cover art it simple, but I just love the way it looks. The log painted on a yellow background. That's just brilliant to me. Crazy Taxi is the prefect game to take out when I feel like going for a high score or playing something that doesn't involve some convoluted mission objectives. Looking forward to driving like a maniac again.

And speaking of driving with no regard for public safety, this is another game I own for another system, the GameCube version to be exact. Burnout 2 was the breakout game for the Burnout series. I feel this Burnout had the best Crash mode and the best AI out of all the games I've played. It's been years since I've played this one and getting a second version seems like as good a reason as any to play through it again.

When I originally went to buy a Classic Controller for my Wii, all I could find was the Classic Controller Pro. Much like Wii Motion Plus, The Classic Controller Pro has became the standard Classic controller, but I came across this baby a few weeks ago while I was in GameStop. Amazingly, it was still there, even after 50% off all Wii controllers on Black Friday. I didn't think I'd have another chance to grab this again, so I picked it up while it was still available. Despite lacking the grip handles that the Pro version has, this is still a very nice controller.

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