Thursday, December 8, 2011

Shigeru Miyamoto is Staying Put, Says Nintendo

On December 7, 2011, legendary game designer Shigeru Miyamoto told Wired in an interview that he had plans of eventually "retiring." Many saw that key word "retiring" and went into a panic. But there was really no cause for alarm.

"I'm not saying that I'm going to retire from game development altogether," the Nintendo senior managing director told the site. "What I mean by retiring is, retiring from my current position."

Miyamoto further explained to Wired that he wants to "be in the forefront of game development once again," building smaller projects solo or in groups consisting of younger developers. Much of Miyamoto's time these days is spent on long term game projects spanning upwards to five years. He hopes to begin work on one smaller project in the near future and show it off before 2012 ends.

Despite the clarity of the article, many assumed Miyamoto was leaving Nintendo altogether. This caused Nintendo to come out with a few statements to put people's minds at ease.

"Video game designer Shigeru Miyamoto's role at Nintendo is not changing," the company said in a statement. "He will continue to be a driving force in Nintendo's development efforts."

So while it appears that Miyamoto's position at the company will change, he'll still be with Nintendo.

This man's worth is not to be underestimated. As the spearhead of creations such as Mario, Zelda and Pikmin, Miyamoto has given much to the industry. He's made some of my all-time favorite games and the industry would be all the poorer without him. But if anyone's earned some time to rest and step back to do what they truly desire to do, it's Shigeru Miyamoto. So if he wants to do other things within the company, I say let him be.

Source: GameSpot 

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