Saturday, November 4, 2017

Favorite Tunes #202: Grand Odyssey

November is here, the temperature is dropping further, and Super Mario Odyssey has finally, finally released! The game is freaking incredible and while it is tempting to have all six spots for Favorite Tunes filled with music from the game, I've only occupied one. The rest are tracks from other titles. What are they? Hit that scroll to find out.

Cascade Kingdom (Fossil Falls) - Super Mario Odyssey (NS)

I hope you're ready for the invasion that is Super Mario Odyssey music here on Favorite Tunes. I haven't posted any music from this game since June (which was the AMAZING Jump Up, Super Star!) but now that Odyssey has released and I've been spending plenty of time with the game, I can tell you that the music is out of this world. Cascade Kingdom is just a taste, a very wonderful taste of the music to come in Odyssey.

Bomb n' Bass - Tiny Barbarian DX (PC, NS)

This game came to my attention not long ago but apparently it has been around since 2013. Spanning four episodes, Tiny Barbaina DX is a throw back to old action platformers. As fun as the game can be, it can also be pretty dang difficult. The music is full of catchy chiptune goodness. I spent so much time on the boss of this track that it is now permanently stuck in my brain.

Heat Wave - Bionic Commando Rearmed (360, PS3, PC)

It was nice to see Capcom shinning the light on it's other IPs in the late 2000s that wasn't Street Fighter or Resident Evil. If you're a fan of the NES version of Bionic Commando, you'll love Rearmed's soundtrack, which is arrangements of themes from that game. This one even has chiptunes sprinkled in.

Battle on the Railway 2 (Round 2-2) - Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi (GEN)

Probably the least famous of the Shinobi games to hit the Genesis, Shadow Dancer is nonetheless, a fantastic action platformer with an amazing soundtrack. There is an arcade game called Shadow Dancer that is part of SEGA's Shinobi series, however, it is a completely different game.

Your Final Examination is About to Being - Heavy Nova (GEN)

So I'm looking through various soundtracks for Genesis games and the box art for this one catches my fancy. It has a sweet-looking robot on the cover, so naturally, I listen to some of the tunes. This one really wowed me. Granted, I've never played the game so I don't have any context to this track, but if the name is indeed a giveaway, test music has never sounded so cool.

Ranking - Mercs (ARC)

This is actually the sequel to the Capcom's Commando, which is a part of the Bionic Commando series. Mercs is a three player, top down run and gun shooter for the CPS1 hardware. Precussion tends to be on the heavier side for CPS1 games, but I've grown to like it over the years. Nice to have some cheery music after slaughtering countless waves of goons.

Favorite Tunes Database

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