Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Game Over Part 7

Two words that signify that you're a failure at video games and should pick up a hobby where you won't suck so much. Welcome to Game Over, an on-going feature where we take a look at the numerous screens that show you've reached the end of the line. You might find some of these to be humorous while others can be quite unsettling.

Cuphead (PC, XBO)

Like a lot of games are doing these days, Cuphead wisely gets rid of the life system. Make no mistake, no matter how much you improve at this game you will die. A lot. As is the case with most run 'n gun titles, bosses have invisible life bars but when you inveitably fail trying to take any of them down, you not only get to see them taunt you, usually with a pun, but you get a to see how close or how far you were from being victorious. There's plenty of them, so check the video above.

Metal Gear Solid (PS)

The quality of voice acting for video games (as well as anime) in the mid to late 1990s outside of Japan were for the most par, pretty low. Even some of the most critically acclaimed games of the time such as Star Fox 64 and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, had some pretty bad voice work. To the surprise of many, Metal Gear Solid released with some exceptional voice actors, among them being David Hayter, Cam Clarke and Jennifer Hale. It helped that the crew had an excellent voice director at the helm. Without proper voice direction, even well trained VAs can turn in a pitiful performance. Fortunately, that was not the case for Metal Gear Solid. Thanks to the amazing voice work and direction, every game over you get feels like it carries extra weight to it. Die in this game and you get to hear the cries of Snake's off the field allies via codec call out his name, but to no avail. Depending on the circumstances of the game over, it might not be your friends that you hear from. The above video has every line of dialogue from all the game overs.

Ghosts 'n Goblins (ARC)

If you thought Mario had his hands full saving Princess Peach, you haven't seen the sheer BS Arthur has to put up with to save Princess Prin Prin. Peach may have been kidnapped a dozen times in comparison to Prin Prin's handful, but the odds are stacked against Arthur much more than they are Mario. Sections of literally endless zombies, ghosts that can appear out of nowhere at any time to kill you, red, flying demons that will make your life even more of a living nightmare and that's just the first level of the game! There are some that can actually beat this game, no sweat. For the rest of us mere mortals, well, we've got that death jingle and this game over screen greeting us over and over and over again. There really isn't anything special about the first Ghosts 'n Goblins game over screen. However, there are a great deal of players that will see it more than they will the rest of the game.

The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin (SCD)

This one is actually more of a bad ending but I think it still qualifies. Spidey has been framed for the umpteenth time and he's out to clear his name. Raising the stakes even higher, Kingpin has taken Mary Jane Watson-Parker, whom unbeknownst to Fisk, is Spider-Man's wife. Or at least, she was until some stupid story involving a deal with the devil, but we don't talk about that crap. Ahem. In a display of cliche villainy, Kingpin dangles the redhead over a pool of acid and she slowly descends at he and Spidey duke it out. Should you fail to take down Kingpin in the final showdown, he'll tie you up along with Mary Jane. At least the two get to die together. Oh and were you expecting the camera to pan away as he dips the two lovers in acid? Nope! With a big, evil grin plastered on his mug, he lowers them into the vat, right before you horror filled eyes.

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