Saturday, June 2, 2018

Favorite Tunes #228: Cut Short

Ever find a music track playing in a game you really like but the game cuts it off to drop you into some gameplay? My favorite game in the Mega Man series has a track that this happens to (Hint for you new readers: it isn't Mega Man 2). Also in this week's music is a track from Chrono Trigger that is long overdue to be represented here as well as one of the more comical Final Fantasy games. Also, this was meant to be posted on May 26th, but by the time I realized I didn't post it, two days had already passed. I decided to just hold off until June 2nd, which gave me time to get ahead on future FT posts.

Set Up - Axelay (SNES)
Probably not the jam that springs to mind when you think of music from Axelay, but I really dig this one. I've been listening to a lot of SNES soundtracks as of late and I caught myself hitting repeat on this short tune a few times.

Schala's Theme - Chrono Trigger (SNES)
I know I've posted a lot of music from Chrono Trigger in Favorite Tunes over the years. To my surprise, I've never posted Schala's Theme. Well, that is a tragedy I'm making up for right now. This melancholy theme has been sampled by several hip hop artists. While I'm not a fan of a lot of today's hip hop music (I prefer the older stuff), I cannot fault them for using this theme.

Main Theme - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U, NS)
It has been a while since I've listed a track from my favorite game of 2017. I've heard some complaints that Breath of the Wild's soundtrack is either too quiet or that there aren't enough remixes from past games. I disagree. Not every game needs to have every track set on blast and what few arrangements are here are really good. Much as I enjoy a soundtrack filled with remixes, its nice to let new music breath. The Main Theme of Breath of the Wild is a powerful, moving piece of music. The 1:06 mark of this song gives me chills.

Dr. Wily Stage Map - Mega Man 3 (NES)
This right here. This is the best Wily Map theme. At a run time of 20 seconds, it also happens to be one of the longest and you never get to hear all of it in game. I can see why that is because no one would want to be sitting at the Wily Stage Map for 20 seconds six times in a row. Then again, this short tune is so good, I could see myself doing that.

Schrage Musik - Danmaku Unlimited 3 (PC, NS)
I still haven't managed to beat this game on the easy setting but I am getting better and I managed to get over 12 million points, breaking my previous record of over 11 million. If you can actually stop sweating from all the bullets your evading, the music in Danmaku Unlimited 3 by BLANKFIELD is really enjoyable stuff.

Lenna's Theme - Final Fantasy V Dear Friends
The Main Theme of Final Fantasy V is a splendid piece of music. Like many main themes it was reused numerous times throughout the game. One of my favorite versions comes in the form of Lenna's Theme. Since I already posted her theme some time ago in Favorite Tunes, here's an arrangement from the album Dear Friends, which is named after one of the ending themes of the game.

Favorite Tunes Database

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