Saturday, June 9, 2018

Favorite Tunes #229: Not Casltevania

Being ahead of schedule feels really good. Why do I say that. Well, not only is it true, but by the time you read this, I'll have typed all this in weeks ago. Enjoy the music.

Stage 2 (Frigid Hell) - Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon (PS4, PSV, NS, 3DS, XBO, PC)
If you miss Castlevania or more specifically, old school Castlevania then Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon will be right up your alley. It looks and feels like an 8-bit Castlevania. Curse of the Moon even has Medusa head stand-in enemies that appear at the worst of times. Being a game modeled after Caslevania, the music is excellent.

Set Up (USA) - Phantasy Star II (GEN)
Often herald as one of the greatest RPGs on the Genesis. It might be the best if not for Phantasy Star IV. Well, that's what most people that play it say, anyway. I haven't played either all the way through so maybe my opinions will differ.

A Submerging Titan - Super R-Type (SNES)
True story: I actually beat Super R-Type. Not the most difficult game ever, Super R-Type manages to make a series that is already know for being hard even more so by eliminating checkpoints from R-Type II, of which Super R-Type is a port of. The music quality is a step above the arcade version and few of the levels are brand new.

Vital Mission - Metal Warriors (SNES)
Metal Warriors is one of those SNES games I've heard of but never played.  I think I saw it at Blockbuster years ago but I never felt compelled to try it out even with that sweet looking mech on the cover. This tune just happened to pop up on the side bar on YouTube so I gave it a listen. Needless to say, I was not disappointed with what I heard.

Infinite - Sonic Forces (PS4, NS, XBO, PC)
I'm not gonna call Sonic Forces a great game but it isn't a horrible abomination that many would like you to believe, nor doesn't throw Sonic back to "the dark years." The music, while different from what most may be used to with a lot of synth, is really good. Regardless of how Infinite turned out as a villain, his theme song is a real banger.

Format X - Contra Hard Corps
Are you looking for a Contra game to really kick you in the junk and show you no mercy? Contra Hard Corps is your game. The game is even hard outside of Japan thanks to the removal of a life meter and your continues are very limited.

Favorite Tunes Database

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