Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Beware of Leaks

We're very close to the release of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. My copy of the game is paid off and I have the 6th and 7th of December off so I can go to the midnight release and enjoy the game all day on Friday. Hype levels are through the roof. Yet, as excited as I am to play Smash Ultimate, I'm content to wait until release day to experience the game and see so much of the new material first hand. However, because we cannot have nice things, the game was leaked and some that have gotten their hands on game were all too eager to stream it and uploads all kinds of spoilers on the interwebs.

I hate leaks. Like, I really. Freaking. HATE. LEAKS. Because people so desperately want to have 15 seconds of fame, they've leaked as much info about the finished game that they possibly can. Ughhhh. Is short lived fame really worth putting spoilers out there? Personally, I don't think it is, but this is just coming from someone that loathes leaks.

Thankfully, I've managed to avoid these leaks but the fact that they are out there is nonetheless, upsetting. I've read comments from some saying that World of Light cut scenes have been uploaded, and even some music was leaked on YouTube, which has resulted in the termination of channel administrators Cruchii and Dystiyzer, which were some good sources for game music. I've even done my best to refrain from being spoiled by avoiding music, though some newer remixes have popped up in my recommended video section.

Anyone that is heavy into the gaming scene knows much of an iron grip Nintendo has when it comes to protecting their IPs. If these people thought there would be zero consequences for  pirating Smash Ultimate and leaking info on the game, they couldn't have been more wrong. Judging from Nintendo's swift action dealing with this situation, I'm gonna guess that some of the famous Nintendo Ninjas are in the offices as well as out on the field.

These leaks also suck for the developers of Smash Ultimate. Masahiro Sakurai and his team have worked so hard on this game but because people are thirsty for views, they hop on the bandwagon and spread the leaked info and music tracks like wildfire. I think Daddy Sakurai would want us to wait until the game releases and discover all this content for ourselves on our own and not flock to a YouTube or Twitch channel and have someone else ruin the experience. Unfortunately the "can't wait" mentality is just too strong, especially in the digital age where information is dished out so quickly. 

I consider it a miracle when something about a game isn't leaked. Do you remember how hype the Smash Ultimate portion of Nintendo's E3 was? "Everyone is Here!" That video that revealed to the world that everyone from every Smash prior was gonna be in Ultimate. How much of our enthusiasm would have been deflated had we already known about what Sakurai showed us along with freaking Ridley? There would be quite a number of dull reaction videos on YouTube, I can tell you that.

If you're something that is trying to avoid these leaks, use your social media accounts with caution or just follow Omni's advice and stay off the internet.

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