Thursday, November 29, 2018

RIP Nintendo Creators Program

Ding dong, the witch is dead! Which old witch? The Nintendo Creators Program witch! And I think I speak for everyone when I say, it's about frickin' time.

The Nintendo Creators Program was like a noose around the neck of any YouTube content creator that wanted to make videos featuring the Big N's games. The gist of it is that, anyone that wanted to make videos with Nintendo's games had to give a good chunk of the money they made off their videos over to Nintendo. And that's IF you were a part of the program. If you weren't you pretty much weren't making any money off of any game that Nintendo developed. This draconian stance towards content creators and YouTube as a whole, actively encouraged many to not even touch Nintendo's games on the platform. I guess Hell must have frozen over, because in what appears to be one of the best decisions the company has ever made (outside of making excellent games) they have decided to ax the Nintendo Creators Program. Sure, there are some basic guidelines content creators have to follow but the good and great thing about it is, the Nintendo Creators Program is DEAD!

I'm not even a YouTube content creator and I've always thought the Nintendo Creators Program was bullocks. Nintendo is a game company that is filthy, disgustingly rich and since 2015 with the establishment of this program, they were taking money away from those that had far less cash than they did. One of the channels I started watching a year ago had to stop making let's plays with Nintendo's games because they weren't part of the stupid program and that came as a low blow because seeing them play and comment on a lot of Nintendo games never failed to make me laugh. With the program going bye-bye, hopefully, the channel brings back Nintendo content.

Not only is the good news for current YouTube content creators , but this is also good news for future and up and coming content creators. Nintendo makes outstanding games it it was such a shame that many people weren't able to cover them due to Nintendo's moronic policies. Whoever decided to finally pull the plug on the Nintendo Creators Program, my hats off to you. It will not be missed.

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