Saturday, December 1, 2018

Favorite Tunes #247: Nah-Nah

This list is the Favorite Tunes of December 1, 2018. Kirby, Sonic, Fighting EX Layer. Go now and enjoy great listening! (I wanted to take a stab at some Engrish.)

Nature's Navel - Kirby Star Allies (NS)
The latest entry in the Kirby franchise initially got flack due to the its short length and high price point. Yes, the game is on the short side and $60 is a little too rich for my blood, but HAL has continued to support the game after release with free DLC waves of new playable characters such as Marx, Magalor and Gooey to name a few. The latest batch of free DLC characters includes fan favorite, Susie from Kirby: Planent Robobot.

Luminous Forest - Sonic Forces (PS4, NS, XBO, PC)
Sonic Forces isn't great, but it isn't an abomination of a Sonic game that sets the series back to the dark age either. I enjoyed my time with it as I did the soundtrack. I'm getting the feeling that techno and electronic music with heavy synth isn't a lot of people's cup of tea. The synth in particular is used a lot the music of Sonic Forces and that may detract from the score for some. Me, I love this game's soundtrack as whole.

Katamari Nah-Nah - Katamari Damacy (PS2)
If you didn't play Katamari Damacy when it originally came out on the PS2 back in 2004, I highly recommend you snag Katamari REROLL for the Switch and PC. I don;t think there is a better game that involves the action of rolling. Ever. Not only is the game brilliant in it's simplicity but the soundtrack is freaking awesome. This is just the first song in the game and it only gets better from here. I feel so envous of anyone that is gonna play this game for the first time when it hits the Switch and PC on December 7th.

Title Theme - Super Mario Party (NS)
After two games where all players were stuck traveling on a board in a vehicle, Super Mario Party finally allows players to travel the board solo once again. There are also more playable characters from the mook side such as Goomba and Hammer Bro. Now if only Nintendo would fix their online service and give Super Mario Party better online options. Well, at least this title theme makes me feel like I'm dancing on a beach in a Hawaiian shirt.

Mist Fortress - Fighting EX Layer (PS4)
The EX games have gotten such a bad rep. Sure they aren't the pinnacle of Street Fighter but they aren't bad by any means. Developed by Arika, the Street Fighter EX games includes a host of original characters and it was due to this that many believed we would never see the likes of Skullomanoa or Garuda again. Arika surprised us when news let out of Fighting EX Layer, the first game in the EX series since Street Fighter EX on the PS2 in 2000. The same crew behind the outstanding EX soundtracks has reunited for the music in EX Layer, resulting in another stellar effort.

Asteroid Run - Assault Suits Valken (Album)
Also know as Cybernator outside of Japan. This is from the arranged album simply called Assault Suits Valken. Like many arranged game albums of the time, it stayed in Japan and to this day, has never been reprinted. The music in the SNES game sounded fantastic and this album makes it sound just as good, if not better.

Favorite Tunes Database

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