Thursday, April 23, 2020

VG Soundtrack of the Day 026: Thunder Force III

When you see the Technosoft name, you are in for some amazingly awesome video game jams. SEGA now owns the rights to the company's IPs, which is why we've seen Thunder Force IV (Lightening Force in America) released under the SEGA AGES line for the Switch and Thunder Force AC should be hitting the Switch sometime soon (game was announced forever ago). Usually arcade games come home but Thunder Force AC is a special case. The game is a modified version of Thunder Force III, which was first on the Genesis and the soundtrack is soooooo incredible. There isn't s single sub par tune in Thunder Force III. From the level themes, boss tunes, staff role, Thunder Force III's audio shines from start to finish.

Thunder Force III (YouTube)

VG Soundtrack of the Day Database

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