Saturday, May 23, 2020

VG Soundtrack of the Day 056: RayForce

Time for another ZUNTATA soundtrack. This is the first in Taito's small Ray series, RayForce. The release and port history of RayForce has been interesting to say the least. Depending on what system or region you live in, RayFoce was relased as Layer Section, Galactic Attack or Gunlock. Different names, same game, outstanding otherworldy soundtrack. There are subtle differences between the arcade and constole versions of the soundtracks. Clicking the Spotify link will let you listen to the arcade soundtrack while the YouTube link will give you the console version. Can't go wrong with either of them.

Ray Force Original Sound Track -PCB Version-  (Spotify)

Galactic Attack (YouTube)

VG Soundtrack of the Day Database

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