Sunday, May 24, 2020

VG Soundtrack of the Day 057: Rockman Dystopia

There has been a disturbing lack of Mega Man music in VG Soundtrack of the Day. As a huge fan of the Blue Bomber, I'm very disappointed in myself. For those of you that may not be aware, in Japan, Mega Man is called Rockman, the "Rock" in the name being named of the genre of music. The music based names don't end there. His sister is named Roll, Proto Man is called Blues, there's Beat, Tango, Bass and Treble, and so on. How fitting that the Mega Man series is so well known for having awesome music. And I don't just mean the classic Mega Man games. Rockman Dystopia is full of rock and metal arrangements from the Mega Man X series. Dystopia is the sister album to Rockamn Utopia, which is full of more lighthearted, upbeat. I suppose I'll get to Rockman Utopia at some point but for now, enjoy some darker, edgier X arrangements. As well as some Mega Man Zero music sprinkled in.

Rockman Dystopia (Spotify)

Rockman Dystopia (YouTube)

VG Soundtrack of the Day Database

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