MGS3 was released in 2004, so I'm super, ultra late to the party as usual. I was kinda taken aback when I'd first seen screen shots of the game and the first thing that hit me was the new jungle setting. After MGS and MGS2, I thought the series was dead set on facilities and warehouse areas. Shows what I know. After a short while, I learned to adjust to the jungle setting. In fact, I probably know MGS3 better than any other MG. Par the course for a MG game, MGS3 was ripe with lots of twists and turn, including one tear jerker of an ending. Those of you that have finished the game know what I mean. For those that haven't, well, I won't spoil it for you.
Upon playing through MGS3, I've been listening to various Metal Gear soundtracks, looking at MG art work and reading up on the series history. Since I don't own a PS3 and I couldn't wait to play MGS4, I hit up YouTube to view most of the game's cut scenes. It was then that I discovered that MGS4 has the most cut scenes of any MG. Seriously, it was like watching a movie. A very good movie. I'll have to get a PS3 and play the actual game some day.
I'd like to find a copy of MGS3: Subsistence so I can play the MSX versions of MG and MG2: Solid Snake. I was thought there was a copy at my mall in GameStop, but it was just the original MGS3. I may have to shop for it online. Then there's the PSP games. So much MG so little time.
Why my comment has been deleted? I just asked for the Mega Man R soundtrack. I would be very grateful if you could reupload it. Anyway, I like your posts very much, I love Metal Gear (even the first ones) and I agree completely with your post about Mega Man 10's Easy Mode.
And sorry for the crappy english, I'm spanish.
Fear not Fernando, you can learn and improve yourself
My English is bad too
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