Monday, June 13, 2011

Mario in My Yahtzee

As long as they keep placing Mario and company in popular non video games, I'll more than likely keep buying them. This time, the game is Yahtzee. I've actually never played Yahtzee before. Nearly 30 years on this planet and I've never played one of the most acclaimed dice games. A shocker, I know.

Like the Jenga Donkey Kong Collector's Edition, Yahtzee Super Mario Collector's Edition is the classic game of Yahtzee with a twist. What twist that entails, I cannot say because again, I've never played Yahtzee before. I like the collectible "?" block that came with the game as well as the special Mario-themed dice. Even the packaging is pretty cool so I'll be hanging onto that as well. Maybe I'll try the game out on one of my upcoming days off. I still haven't played Jenga so maybe I'll knock that out, too.

1 comment:

  1. i was actually going to get that because my girlfriend loves yahtzee haha...pretty cool for sure
