I was checking out Mega Man website affiliates when I cam across
fangamez.net, a site, as the name suggests that hosts fan games. These games aren't sold so you can download them for free. Ain't life grand?
The screen shot to the right is from
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Return. It features all-new robot masters and music from the NES Mega Man games. I've only played two levels thus far and there's some lag at times, but I was very impressed with this game. The levels look great and the controls are very responsive. When I started playing, I'd forgotten about everything else I was doing.
Mega Man Evolution uses the sprites from Mega Man 8. Instead of classic or cartoony tunes to match the look, the maker of this game opted for a pounding rock soundtrack. It actually sounds pretty sweet. Rush follows you around the whole time and you'll need to him get through the levels. Mega Man can switch between the Mega Buster, rapid fire shots, or fight melee style with punches & kicks. I hope the author finishes this game because it looks very promising.
There are a few other good fan games I came across as well, some Mega Man & Mega Man related, and some that have nothing to do with the blue bomber at all. I'll be posting more about those in a few days when I've had some hands-on time with them.
I wonder if this is where one of my friends found some weird Super Mario World mods and other such things.
I'll check this place out and see what catches my eye. :)
There's a sweet game called Super Mario Fusion on that site. I'll post it up later on.
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