Dr. Wily, Quick Man, Shadow Man, the Yellow Devil? Amateurs, all of them. They all pail in comparison to Mega Man's toughest foe, who is an unsuspecting Met, or Hard Hat for those that prefer to call them that.
View the epic showdown here.
Just like Rockman 5 Endless, Rockman 3 Endless is a never ending survival mode where you try to clear as many screens as you can without dying, much the same as Mega Man 9's Endless Challenge mode, which gave birth to these "Endless" hacks to begin with. On my first go, I cleared 57 screens before I bit it and I died on a bad jump in Gemini Man's section. Like Rockman 5 Endless, you havea all of your weapons and Rush forms from the get-go and you'll really appreciate the brokeness of Rush Jet in this hack. Tough areas like the Magnet Man section pictured above and be completely bypassed by using it.
Be sure to patch a Rockman 3 rom, not Mega Man 3 rom. Just click the picture in the link provided. As with Rockman 5 Endless, Rockman 3 Endless seems to get frequent updates. As I was writing this blog entry, I found out that a newer version has been posted. Check the author's site often!