The combined efforts of DJ Kariu and NativeDialect bring us a sweet, sweet, Street Fighter fan tribute album. This is only part 1 but it's still very impressive stuff. The music from one of my favorite Street Fighter games, Street Fighter III, gets some much needed love. Strange Sunset (Guile's theme from Street Fighter EX+@) also got a dope remix.
You can
hear one of the tracks on YouTube, but I recommend you download the whole thing. I'm stoked for part 2.
Download Part 1
I've seen some Street Fighter tracks also available to download for free in the Playstation Network Shop via the PS3 (I would figure PSP can too, but I've not updated it far enough to use the PNS), but I haven't seen which artists are performing the tributes.
Either way, love me some SF tracks.
I have that album as well. Strange how the artists names were left out.
Download link is dead, any mirrors?
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