On December 11th, 1999 Overclocked ReMix was launched, one of the greatest gaming websites of all-time, dedicated to one of my favorite things ever, video game music. This year marks the site's tenth anniversary. I wasn't visiting the site when it first came about. In fact, I was unaware of the site's existence for nearly half of it's lifespan. I didn't become a regular visitor until a few years ago but it didn't take long for me to appreciate what OCR was about. Rather than wait until Dec 11th of this year to post something meaningful about one of my fav places on the net, I thought I'd do it now. There are man remixes from OCR that I love and I could easily spend hours making a list here, but instead, I'll keep it to 10, to keep in line with OCR's anniversary number. These are by no means my top 10 fav OCRs because I don't know if there's any way I could narrow it down to ten. No, these are jsut 10 sweet remixes from OCR.
Last Chance, Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
Beneath the Surface, Donkey Kong Country
Breaking the Ice, Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Adrenalyne Kyck, Final Fantasy VII
No.5 (Snapdragon), Super Double Dragon
The Ballad of Sir Kibbles, Kirby's Adventure
Forever Until Tomorrow, Chrono Trigger
Devastation's Doorway, Super Mario 64
LetThereBeLight, Mega Man 4
Smooth Ride, Super Hang-On
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