I'm sure most gamers are familiar with the F-Zero games. Kinda hard to believe that since the series began nearly 18 years ago, there are still only a handful of F-Zero games. Despite the insane difficulty, my favorite is the GameCube's F-Zero GX. This game was so tough that only the most patient, adept gamers would every finish Story mode and unlock everything the game had to offer. Me, after short while, I used my Action Replay to get the goods.
Of all the F-Zero games, I've yet to play one I didn't like. All of the games have superb music, even the GBA games. F-Zero GP Legend even birthed one of my favorite renditions of Sand Ocean with some of the best rock the GBA was capable of producing.
It's beena while since the last F-Zero game, which was F-Zero Climax, and that one didn't even come out in the states. I'd love to see another F-Zero title, if not on the Wii or DS, then on Nintendo's next system.
And it's been a while since I messed with GX, but I know I unlocked Princia Ramode by winning the race against Samurai Goroh on Hard or Very Hard (I forget).
The beg. of story mode is crack.
Big bad effs up Black Shadow's machine and tells him to win or else...you know the price for failure.
So, he breaks Shadow's machine, then tells him to enter the F-Zero Grand Prix...meaning he's gotta fix his machine first, then enter once more. XD
Freakin' villain logic.
BS: "I...I cin win it this time."
*Yes, cin, instead of can.
I was wondering about the rest of Story mode. Black Shadow had to do all that?
Just putting some logic on a scene meant to establish Deathborn as more badass than Black Shadow.
Deathborn destroys Shadow's machine just to get his attention, then tells him to win, but if Black Shadow's ride is scrap, Deathborn's just being a ****.
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