I could say Mega Man has more games than any other video game character out there and I probably wouldn't be exaggerating. The Classic series, X, Zero, ZX, Battle Network, Legends, this little blue robot has serious game. One of the things we all love about Mega Man games is the music. Capcom has been giving us great Mega Man music since the series was kicked off way back in 1987. Since Mega Man games have superb music, it's only natural that there have been a ton of Mega Man remixes. Unfortunately most Mega Man Remixers have been content to remix Mega Man 2 beats more than any other Mega Man game, Mega Man 3 being right behind it. Dr. Wily Stage 1 from Mega Man 2 is an amazing song. I love it, but it's remixed to death. Same with Mega Man 3's title screen, it isn't hurting for remix love. What am I getting at? What am I trying to say to Mega Man remixers? Remix something else.
Mega Man 4 has a stellar soundtrack, and yet it you can almost count the number of remixes the music for that game has gotten on one hand. Dr. Cossack's music (both themes) easily ranks as some oft he best fortress music in the history of Mega Man. And where the heck are those dope remixes of Bright Man's stage?! Where is the love for Dark Man stage music in Mega Man 5? Split Mushroom from X4? I always loved his jam and not a single solitary remix. As much as I hated X6, I did dig that game's music. Commander Yammark and Blaze Heatnix deserve to have their themes remixed. No one has touched Mega Man: Battle & Chase music, though this could be due to the fact that the game has remained in Japan for almost 10 years and didn't come to the states until the Mega Man X Collection got released. Even the Battle Network games, hobby-based as they may be have some good tunage (well except for Battle Network 4. That one had only about two good themes).
Mega Man music offers so much to work with and I think it's time remixers start thinking outside of Mega Man 2 and 3.
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
September Duels

September Duels
Friday, September 26, 2008
Mega Man Makes Wall Street Journal

I'm serious. In the state America is in, seeing an article on Mega Man 9 and in the WSJ of all papers is great news.
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Radical Dreamers: Thieves of Fate is the end result of combined efforts of various remixers from OverClockedremix.org. The website I just mentioned should be more than enough to get you to download this album. I've heard the music in the original Radical Dreamers game and it sounds fantastic. If Yasunori Mitsuda, the composer of the Radical Dreamers music were to hear this remixed album, I'm sure he'd be quite impressed. Go ahead and give a listen.
Radical Dreamers: Thieves of Fate
Jack's In Trouble

Jack is known for his silly shenanigans against violent video games and overall annoying the gaming community. I bet if he'd sit down, shut up and played some video games, he'd have a lot of fun. Oh who am I kidding? There's a better chance of world peace breaking out before that will ever happen.
Along with his disbarment, Jack owes reimbursement Florida Bar fees of $43, 675.35. Snap.
Well it took a while but it finally happened. Jack Thompson is OUTTA HEREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
I'm so happy.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
His Power Level Is Incredible!

First off, let me say that I love fighting games but when I pick up a DBZ fighter, I'm not looking for the next Soul Calibur or Virtua Figther. I'm just looking for a good DBZ experience that's respectful of the source material. Now that I've gotten that outta the way, I can continue.
I played the first Budokai Tenkaichi a few years ago. I admired the approach it took to emulate the DBZ style of fighting but more often than not, it's flaws and glitches cropped their ugly heads. Having only a single life bar really sucked when you were up against dudes that could blow up a planet. Some of the super buffed out fighters (Super Trunks, Broly, Bojack) wouldn't even flintch when you hit them and they could inturupt your combo string anytime because of it. A number of battles in the story mode were ridiculously har. The fight where you have to defeat Vegeta in his Great Ape form comes to mind. If you wanted to win, you had to spam Kamehameha attcks because melee attacks would just wind up getting you killed. It was for these reasons that I skipped the sequel. Besides, I had a lot of fun with Super Dragon Ball Z even if the character roster in that game didn't even come close to BT2's.

To avoid dragging this out into a string of lengthy paragraphs, I've decided to list the pros and cons out this game. I'll try to keep it brief but I'll elaborate on a few things.
- Tons of characters. Over 150 to be exact. This includes everone from DB, DBZ, and DBGT. Every single transformation is here, too. Even all the movie villains are here. I just wish we were able to get the DBZ version of Pan. GT pan is annoying to no end. Arale, from Dr. Slump, Akira Toriyama's first manga series is even playable and she's pretty tough.
- Customizing your figther. This has always been one of my favorite things about the console DBZ games. Dimps came up with the idea in the DBZ Budokai games, and Spike decided to keep running with it in the BT games. Smart move on their part. You can make your fighters that are already insanely powerful even stronger still.
- Improved graphics. They just keep finding a way to make these games look even better.
- Info on every character. There's a mode specifically made that give you the 411 on every fighter in the game. It was in the first BT but it's nice to see it back. With this mode, the game manages to do the impossible: Make Chi-Chi a likable person. She gives amusing commentary on everyone.
- No recycled music from the Budokai games! Thankfully they've decided to go with the music in BT. And what is sure to shut many fans of the original Japanese DBZ version up, the option for Japanese voices is there.
- A few stupidly hard fights in Dragon History mode. Don't bother trying to use Melee attacks against Perfect Cell after he's "died" and then powered up. Spam him with beam attacks and pray that you win.
- Still not crazy about the behind-the-fighter view.
- Rush attacks can get annoying since they home in on you.
- Some tournaments are only open at certains times in the game.
The good outweighs the bad. For $20 I got a sweet DBZ experience and I honestly believe this is one the best DBZ games out there.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Rockman Kenk

Everyone and their grandmother has hacked Mega Man 2. As much as I love Mega Man 2 hacks, it sure would be nice to see some hacks of the other Mega Man games. There aren't too many hacks of the original Mega Man but of the few I've played, I find Rockman Kenk to be the best of the bunch.

Rockman Kenk
Monday, September 22, 2008
Pretty Fly For a Thai Guy
It would seem that the Bad Dudes really, really dig Sagat's theme because they've put out an album titled, Thai Guy and it contains nothing but Sagat remixes. 8 tracks, 2 bonus tracks with nothing but Sagat goodness. I've got it playing right now, and let me tell you, this is one sexy album. Most of the tracks tend to be on the soothing side, but there's some rock tracks in there for those that like to get up and move around. No matter how you slice it, this is an amazing album. And it's FREE!
Download Thai Guy
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Mega Man 9 Soundtrack Reviewed

Every Mega Man fan across the globe has been salivating to hear what the rest of the music in MM9 will sound like since the first footage was shown back in July, which featured music from from two of the robot master's stages. The clip was short but it was more than enough to wet appetites. Having heard the entire score myself more than once, I can tell you that the music is pretty good but it isn't perfect and I'll get to those imperfections in a bit.
As you'd expect, MM9's soundtrack sounds like it belongs in an NES game, which is perfectly fine. I mean, MM9 looks like an NES game and anyone that's a fan of Mega Man loves NES Mega Man music. The soundtrack is a wonderful refresher of what can be done with 8-bit audio. Tornado Man's theme is great. One of my favorites but it's overshadowed by Concrete Man's theme. Concrete Man's theme is catchy, fast paced, but not too complicated to the point where it isn't enjoyable. Last week, I had that song playing on repeat for over 20 minutes. The song is that good. Other stand out tracks among the robot master themes are Galaxy Man, Hornet Man, and Plug Man. This isn't to say the other robot masters don't have good themes, but aren't on the same level as the aforementioned themes.
The boss music, while not as complex as boss music in other Mega Man games, actually sounds kinda sinister and that's what I like about it. MM7-8 lacked this quality when it came to regular boss music, so it's nice to see it return in MM9's soundtrack. My favorite Wily themes in MM9 come from Dr. Wily Stage 1, and Dr. Wily Stage 2. Stage 1, "Flash in the Dark" reminds me of Dr. Wily Stage 1 in Mega Man 2 while Stage 2, "We're the Robots" reminds me for Dr. Wily Stage 2 from Mega Man 3 when it gets to 1:11 in the song. Both these tracks have a dark tone to them, which is a very good thing. At times I think we can get too caught up in Mega Man music being catchy that we forget that Mega Man music is supposed to be all over the place, including dark, moody themes.
Now for the bad. A number of tracks are straight out of Mega Man 2. Game Over, Dr. Wily UFO, Dr. Wily Castle, Get a Weapon, Stage Clear, Menu, Game Start, all from MM2. Mega Man 2 is a great game, with great music, but I don't believe that great Mega Man music begins and ends with MM2. I know that Capcom wanted to make MM9 closer to MM2, but the fact that eight tracks are ripped straight from that game just wreaks of laziness. Compared to the rest of the music in MM9, they stick out like sore thumbs. If we get a Mega Man 10, I'm hoping Capcom's music department will bring us all new tracks.
Reused music aside, the Mega Man 9 soundtrack is pretty sweet. You'll want it if you're a Mega Man for or love the sound of 8-bit music, or just love video game music in any shape or form. If we get Mega Man X9, who thinks we'll get music that sounds like the SNES X games?
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Castle Crashers Music

Castle Crashers mp3 tracks
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
More 8-bit Mega Man 8 Screens

The weapon screen. You may not think it's anything special, but note the E-Tank in the lower right corner of the screen. We're getting E-Tanks in this game! Woo-hoo! Now while MM8 was doable without E-Tanks the some parts of the game were made more difficult without them. Also, the Mega Ball is going to be in the game, indicated by the "R. Ball" weapon in the screen.
I've been wondering how Frost Man's stage would turn out in this game. Two parts of the level are devoted to riding on a snowboard while being told to "JUMP, JUMP! SLIDE, SLIDE!" at just the right moments. Well, I don't know if we'll actually be hearing those words, but it would seem that the snowboarding segments are definitely in.
I don't know a lick of Japanese so I haven't been poking around the official site as of late. I'd like to thank Vixy from Rockman Perfect Memories for posting this info up on the Rockman PM message boards.
Concrete Man Gets Remixed

Concrete Man Acid Jazz Remix
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Yet Another Mega Man 2 Soundtrack

How many Mega Man 2 soundtracks are there? I honestly do not know. What I do know is that you can never have too much remixed/arranged Mega Man music. Mega Man 2 Soundtrack: Beat the 8 Super Robots With 8 Bit Instrumental (yes, that is the full title) is, you guessed it another remixed/arranged Mega Man soundtrack. The soundtrack is mostly rock-based but it still manages to stand out from other Mega Man 2 remixe/arranges. It's a pretty unique score that covers the 14 tracks in Mega Man 2. It's free so click, download and rock on to some more Mega Man beats.
Couldn't they pick a shorter title for this? I mean, seriously.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Get Yer Gundum 8-bit Soundtrack!

If you dig Gundam and 8-bit music, you really should check out Operation British, an entire 18 track ablum full of songs from various Gundam series, pumped out in splendid 8-bit audio. Having listened to the whole thing to myself, I can honestly say that's it's worth the 43.6 mb of space it'll take up on your hardrive. And I'm pretty sure every internet junkie out there likes free stuff. So go ahead and get yourself some chiptune Gundam music.
Operation British
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Air Man ga Taosenai

Mario vs. Air Man is a single stage rom hack that pits Mario or Luigi (you choice) up against one of Mega Man's earliest foes. Of course before they can fight Air Man, they'll have to get through his stage. Keeping with the gameplay elements from the Super Mario Bros. games, both Brooklyn heroes are restricted to killing their enemies by stomping on them. There are power-ups along the way to help you like the super mushroom and the fire flower and you stock items as if they were E-Tanks. You've got a time limit so don't fart around. Luigi's got a higher, floaty jump which makes the plumbers play styles different from one another, giving you a reason to play the game again.
For only containing one level, Mario vs. Air Man is pretty fun. Mega Man and Mario fans alike will enjoy it. The game is worth playing alone for the track that plays in the back around, "Air Man ga Taosenai", which translates to "I Can't Defeat Air Man." The song was originally done by a group called Team Nekokan. The song is about Mega Man struggling to defeat Air Man. There music video is up on YouTube. Check it out if you haven't seen it. The 8-bit version of I Can't Defeat Air Man is just as catchy as the original.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
8-bit Mega Man 8 Screens

Interesting note that this remake is being handled by a different developer, not Mind (devloper of 8-bit Mega Man 7) like I originally thought. I'm eager to see how some portions of the game will be done in 8-bit like the sections where Mega Man has to swim or the infamous "JUMP, JUMP! SLIDE, SLIDE!" areas in Frost Man's stage and the first Dr. Wily level.

Monday, September 1, 2008
Game Music out the Wazoo Pt. II

When most people think of Final Fight, the original game is the one that more than likely comes to mind. The sequels weren't that well-recieved and no one wants to speak of Final Fight: Street Wise. Still, I've always enjoyed Final Fight 2 on the SNES and the NES game, Mighty Final Fight. Mighty Final Fight wasn't two player but it was still a good beat 'em up and you gotta love the super deformed characters. Along with being a solid game, Mighty Final Fight had a tight soundtrack, which sounds very NES Mega Man-like. I guess the similarities to Mega Man aren't all that strange when you take into account that two of the composers of the Mega Man X soundtrack worked on Mighty Final Fight's music. If you like Mega Man music, you'll dig this score.

I don't think there's a gamer on this planet that doesn't like the music to NES DuckTales. The Moon theme still makes me swoon to this day. Even if you've already got the music to DuckTales, I'm pretty sure you'll still want to download this particular version. In addition to having all the music from the NES game, there's a slower version of the Moon theme, and a few prototype tracks, and a completely different track for Transylvania.

I don't think there's a gamer on this planet that doesn't like the music to NES DuckTales. The Moon theme still makes me swoon to this day. Even if you've already got the music to DuckTales, I'm pretty sure you'll still want to download this particular version. In addition to having all the music from the NES game, there's a slower version of the Moon theme, and a few prototype tracks, and a completely different track for Transylvania.

Did you know that the original Final Fantasy was also on the MSX? I sure didn't. I'm so ashamed that I just may turn in my geek card. But I digress. Not only did the MSX version look better, but it also sounded better than the NES version, and that's saying a lot when you consider how awesome the NES version's music was.

Hot Dog City was going to be a fanmade platform, but was unfortunately canned. The good news is that the soundtrack has been released. The tunes are heavily incluenced by Ristar, Popful Mail, and Sonic the Hedgehog. I would glady play a platformer with these beats in the background.
Special thanks to Bucky's Corner and Pterodactyl Squad for hosting these great soundtracks.
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